aaa Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ????????????? - Music techology forums
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Subject: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????

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Original Message 1/28             06-Mar-98  @  11:32 PM   -   Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????



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here ya go Acid...... check this iste out for the midi-channel-off thing, plus loads more..... it's the best MC303 site i've seen in hours of browsing.....

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Message 2/28             07-Mar-98  @  07:02 AM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????

acid cat


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Thanks for letting the world know I've got a MC-303. For the record everyone, it was `thrown in' for an additional $100 as a package deal when I bought the JP8000.
And thanks for the siteaddress Kilo....I'll check it out. (I still love the MC-303. I don't care what anyone says)

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Message 3/28             07-Mar-98  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????



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Ain't that cute, Acid Cat and

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Message 4/28             07-Mar-98  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????



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yeah yeah.... we believe you got it 'thrown-in'...... sure........ (no really it's true !!)....

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Message 5/28             08-Mar-98  @  02:39 AM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????

acid cat


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Puffy, what are you on about.... `Acid Cat and Kilo'... you Poofy Homeboy Twat ( words from the almighty Spot, I think).

Kilo you bloody skeptic, I'd have no qualms admitting to any purchase, or how much I paid. I'd long ago decided I wouldn't fork out $1200 for a MC303 with so many limitations, but for $100 its an awesome sound module and creative tool. Surely you're aware of the indroductory package deal Roland was doing around June last year ie: Buy a JP, get the MC `free'..that sort of thing. I'm really pleased with it; as a beginner I learned a few things from it like step recording, basic sequencing etc. Together with software synths like Rebirth, its a decent learning tool for someone who's never programmed or sequenced drum patterns before..

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Message 6/28             08-Mar-98  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????



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It was only a joke Acid

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Message 7/28             08-Mar-98  @  07:08 PM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????



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No shit, Acid... that promo was only in AUS? $1200 for a MC303, DAMN!!! You think
the 505 is worth its price though?

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Message 8/28             09-Mar-98  @  05:58 AM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????



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Yeah,that step programming is a real bear to learn!! Take about 2 seconds to get yer head round. I think a drum editor on Cubase would be a better way to learn drum programming rather than a mc303. You can't change the velocity or play around with beats the same way as an s/ware sequencer.

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Message 9/28             09-Mar-98  @  09:24 AM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????


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Why don't you try sawing it in half? It seems a pretty popular thing to do around here, with gear.

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Message 10/28             09-Mar-98  @  01:17 PM   -   RE: Acid_Cat - MC 303 questions ?????????????

acid cat


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I'm sorry to say it took me more than two seconds to sort out step recording on the mC303, Smiley you condescending prick. But thanks for the advice about the drum editor on cubase and software sequencers in general; I've got cubase and a few other sequencers, but I'm still new to them.

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