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Subject: £1000 buys you......

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Original Message                 Date: 11-May-98  @  12:24 PM   -   £1000 buys you......



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.....not a lot nowerdays....
This has been burning on my mind recently,

Okay, this is in light of recent news that Roland have just released the MC505, 305 and SP808 over here in England, all retailing at £949. With specs that are very impressive.

Here is my question that was on my mind.
£1000 is A LOT of money which ever way you look at it, period. Synth manufacturers are just short of asking the earth for their "Pro User" kit these days and as long as people fork out their money for their shit, they'll keep doing it. IMHO. The majority creative musicians in the world are NOT spoilt little rich kids, they are broke. Having spent all there money so they could have that £xxxx.xx keyboard/sampler/guitar/penny whistle they always wanted.

Now, let the debate begin. Can we really justify spending £xxxx.xx for a sampler/synth.
Also, for £1000, you MUST be able to get quite a few bits of kit for the price of an MC505, SP808, don't you think? Am I alone here?

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Message 11/11             14-May-98  @  11:00 AM   -   RE: £1000 buys you......



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The bad thing about the new Roland gear is that they've got people to believe that the MC505
a) is the only thing you need to make techno
b) is the ONLY thing you can make techno with

It's not the gear, it's the musician... and Kilo, couldn't you add a "buying used" section or something like that, with tips on what to look out for (like, a power supply is handy when you buy something ;) ?

And no, the NL drums are analogue.. so you get to tweak them..

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