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Subject: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........

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Original Message 1/12             06-Apr-98  @  02:25 PM   -   ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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ok....... all these un-named and un-qualified little posts keep appearing from I presume MPC users saying that it is a superior machine.... so let's lay this to rest...... WHY ???........

Ok they have very similar specs....the akai is about 200 (UK) more expensive)... the akai seems to have a larger note memory in sequencer.... an extra midi buss for 32 channels..... the asr-x has scsi, synth, & fx as standard...the MPC doesnt.. they both read .WAV & midifiles, Roland and the ASR reads akai s-1000,1100....... so now.......

lets hear your REASONS for the claims....... as a sampler .......and as a sequencer ....

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Message 2/12             06-Apr-98  @  04:23 PM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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and don't forget that the _optional_ Sampleverb FX board (for the MPC):

1) sucks
b) is more expensive than the SCSI board for the ASR-X (at least $300, prolly more like $350-400 - as opposed to under $200 for ASR SCSI)

which means if you want to compare both units on features for price:

a) you can't
2) the nearest match (feature-wise) puts the MPC at least $200 more expensive (although it must be more now with the price drop). and that's RAM and a SCSI Zip drive...

and speaking of RAM, when you max out the ASR-X you still get access to the original 2 MB that it shipped with - so total RAM is 34 MB (as opposed to the MPCs 32MB).

and don't even get me started on how good it sounds...

sorry i couldn't answer for the MPC. i did a lot of research before i purchased, and i simply could not allow myself to pay more for something that wasn't going to allow me to do what i really wanted to do. end of fucking story.


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Message 3/12             06-Apr-98  @  07:11 PM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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well mate actually sCSi AND THE sYNTH 20MB DANCE BOARD ARE NOW included..... SO LOOSE THE $200 FOR THE SCSI IT'S FREE !

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Message 4/12             06-Apr-98  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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Ok, I played with both for a while at a store. I ended up with the MPC 2000 here is the main reason


Yes, the interface on the MPC 2000 is way above. It has a huge LCD screen. Everythinkg is windows based. Dont call me a lamer for saying that but it is SOOOO good for live usage. Everything is accesable within like 2 button pushes!! IT IS GREAT

The sequencer is BIGGER!!

Also the 8-out board is PHAT!!
The ability to read .WAV files is a must!!
I mean, I played with both, I bought the MPC, and could not be happier.

It is just a GREAT MACHINE!!!

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Message 5/12             07-Apr-98  @  12:37 AM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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Yea it is. Much better than that other.....

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Message 6/12             07-Apr-98  @  04:38 AM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........


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Ensoniq always has a cult following, have you actually posted this question on one of their sites?

Picture it, you walk into a recording studio: ooh, 64 inputs on the board (like you'll use more than 20), aahhh, Lexicon 480 (yeah, maybe for films, but it's so transparent it's not enough of an effect for us), and (just dropped a load) MCI JH-24 sync'd to a 48-track Sony digital (hahaha, everything's sequenced). But people pay for this shit 'cause of that "studio vibe"; would this place have a regal-looking MPC-3000 or a piece of Ensoniq dj-kit. Oops, this is a site for cheap-ass 14 year-old's, forgot! "But an MPC- doesn't have that lo-fi buzz of my AWE-32!!!"

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Message 7/12             07-Apr-98  @  02:51 PM   -   hey Hilevelt!



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some of us cheap-asses are well over 20! ;)

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Message 8/12             07-Apr-98  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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(as a reference point - i'm the one who posted the thread "asrx- a warning" - just want to let
everyone know i'm giving the asrx a fair shot).

for the person above who said that reading .wav's is a must - the asr-x can read wav's and
aif's too. i didn't have time to hook the asrx up through scsi but it still worked fine to just save
all my sounds to floppy and then stick the disk in my computer and edit the samples in soundforge.

also, i agree that the mpc2000 looks like it would be much better for live use(though I've not
got to play with an mpc much yet). if you are in fact able to mute sounds using the pads then
there is no question.

one of my big complaints about the asrx is the fact that because there are so few buttons it really
slows down the creative process when it comes to experimenting with tracks. there is no way to
drop out single drums sounds(unless you put each drum sound on a different track - or turn the
volume down for a drum) and even stuff on different tracks is not a one button click to mute.

HOWEVER - if someone added a peavy 1600(whatever) midi fader box i think the asrx would
be much improved. map each fader to one of the asr-x tracks and make each button a mute!
Now that would be wonderful. and really it might still put you under the price of an upgraded
mpc2000(i would say that you would at a minimum HAVE to add the effects card to the mpc).

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Message 9/12             07-Apr-98  @  03:48 PM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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what I dont understand is.... you said in the other thread you bought an asr-x.... then said you only had it for a week.??.... i think i'd give a unit more time than that.... so what happened ?... did you return it to the shop after 1 week for a swap or refund ?......The other thing is... the mpc.... can you like sample and map samples over keyranges... layer them... synthesise each layer with different adsr's filtering etc etc... as for a sampling keyboard..... what I mean is... the mpc.... is it really a sampling drum box, or loop box or whatever or can it act as a real sampler and be played from a master keyboard melodically >.....

it seems to have stirred up alot of bad vibes....especially with that Bob guy... who just keeps appearing to add non-qualified comments of deep worth, such as... "it's shit"....... but I asked him to state why ?..... but he keeps just adding monosylabic slaggings....... c'mon Bob mate... you gave all this "I''m a pro and you lot are fuckers, assholes" etc.... give us a bit of PRO reasoning !......

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Message 10/12             07-Apr-98  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........


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My buddy uses an MPC-2000 alongside an ASR-10, he says the mpc can't layer sounds over any kind of keyrange, but he does use it as the master sequencer in his studio, over the ASR.

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Message 11/12             07-Apr-98  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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no. i have never owned an asr-x. the situation was that a friend of mine has one and he loaned
it to me for a week. he had been having problems with it and wanted to see what i could
figure out.

basically, i do think that the asrx probably is the best buy for someone on a budget. i guess it
just comes down to the whole idea of new gear isn't always better than old gear. myself and
my friend with the asrx have been doing music for a while now and most of our gear is older
stuff. my current sampler is an ensoniq eps. basically, i just thought the asr-x was a big
disappointment because, except for better quality sampling and the effects, i think my 10
year eps is easier to use. the sequencers are just about identical! i had just hoped that
ensoniq would have made it more tailored for "groove" music(or whatever they are calling it).

i feel like back in the day, we had to "misuse" gear that was made for rock-n-roll type shit in order
to get the sound we wanted. but now i find that the newer gear is really just the same old shit,
you know? the pads on the asrx are nice but there is just a lot of stuff that i think would have
been better. i had hoped the asr-x would be the perfect all-in-one box. don't get me wrong, it
can be used that way but there are just a ton of small things they could have done to make life
easier. dedicated buttons to mute tracks or drum parts would have made life so much easier.
even small shit like the fact that the sequencer has no rewind or forward buttons! just stop, play
and record(to rewind to the beginning you press stop and record). now i know these are pretty
small things to be bitching about but it just pisses me off. like i said my eps sampler has a
better interface than the asrx.

i've never used an mpc2000 so i really can't say much about it. but i do agree that on paper the
asr-x looks like a better deal. i just want to make sure people take a look at it first or realize up
front that they will need to buy something like the peavy 1600 midi fader box or a emu launch(?
is that what it's called). or use a computer-based sequencer(but then to me that defeats the
whole purpose of the asr-x).

i guess it just comes down to what kilo has said many times in the past: don't get fooled into
thinking you have to have the latest gear. many times a reliable old sampler and an mmt8,etc.
will do you just fine.

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Message 12/12             07-Apr-98  @  09:12 PM   -   RE: ASR-X - V - MPC-2000.........



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ABSOLUTELY....... the chat on most of the sites tends to be always about..."how is the latest release"... which is cool & only natural,.... but there's alot of great kit around for peanutz.... so if you need a sampler newbies... think about a few oldies.... all the early units are wicked... Akai , Ensoniq, & Roland are especially overlooked... they are pretty hard.. although with mid range samplers now including re-sampling and fx sometimes (a-3000 etc)... and great synthesis it's getting cheaper all the time... .. I suppose there comes a cut off point at which an older s/h bit of kit just wont come down any cheaper........ so for example...... an s-2000 can be had if you scour the shops with cash, for about 600 - 650 (UK) new........ does that mean s/h units will be appearing at 450 - 500 ?....... it can do... but does that then mean an older s-950 is gonna drop to 250-300 ??..... I doubt it very often..... so there is a cut-off point......

It is true tho huh...... for some reason, although WE could all tell them WHAT we want..... they keep getting it 20% wrong........ then you can buy the next model, and it'll be 1% nearer !!!!!..... (what a cynic !!)...... heh ,,....

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