aaa Need a good and cheap companion to my CS1X - Music techology forums
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Subject: Need a good and cheap companion to my CS1X

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Jun-98  @  06:42 AM   -   Need a good and cheap companion to my CS1X



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I'm relatively new to the world of electronic music (I'm trying to be as genre non-specific as possible). Here's my question. I want to get another piece of kit to add to my setup, so far I have a CS1X and I love it but I want more. The problem is unlike in the UK, where I live (St.Catharines Ontario Canada, near Toronto) gear isn't easy to come by and If used stuff is found it's extremely expensive (a W30 was going for $1000 Canadian at the local music shop.) I want to get either a sampler or a module but there are so many options it can get confusing. Other than for key assigning samples what's the benifit of a sampler? If there is a reason I'd get one but right now I'm not sure cuz using loops in Cakewalk seems to work for me. I there is a reason what sampler would be best as a starter and what should I expect to pay?
Secondly if I where to get a module or another synth what would be a good option. I want multi timbrality and reasonable polyphony. The last problem is where do I find or look for the stuff. I'd prefer to be able to get my gear here in Canada. Since I'm close to Toronto I have no qualms with going there or any other reasonable distance to get stuff I just need to know where to get it.

Thanks in advance

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Message 11/15             05-Jun-98  @  07:36 AM   -   RE: Need a good and cheap companion to my CS1X



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I agree that if you want to tour live you need flexebility but I disagree that going studio only will forever make you an unheard musician. Many excelent artists do things studio only and never tour.
That doesn't make the music bad. Face it, some things can't be done live.

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Message 12/15             05-Jun-98  @  01:20 PM   -   RE: Need a good and cheap companion to my CS1X



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Tell me what can't be done live with the assistance of a sampler and a good programmer? Tell that to Tricky, or on the other side of things, Peter Gabriel.

Incidentally, I know the Beatles didn't tour after 1966 (?) and produced arguably the best albums of all time but what I'm talking about is non-pros who focus on home recording, spending money on expensive recording gear, instead of on instruments. I just think that their priorities are skewed.

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Message 13/15             05-Jun-98  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: Need a good and cheap companion to my CS1X



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if you're doing a midi & samples set up... then if you didnt buy the pc already, an old atari will do it all for about 200 max... leaving you loads mor money for the sampler or whatever you are buying....and more solid robotic timing.....although cake-5 as someone mentioned in another thread is very stable.. and has provision for a stereo output... it's ok to play some loops and stuff for sure.... just a thought...

anyhow... dunno how we got on that subject...... synths... ?.. i give up.. it's all subjective unless your aiming for a specific sound...

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Message 14/15             07-Jun-98  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: Need a good and cheap companion to my CS1X

The Purple One


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Just a thought, but... I'm a computer programmer for a living, and know my way around computers, and you can get the same results using just a PC, some software and a good soundcard, but dedicated outboard gear is so much more faster and creative to use once you get the hang of it. I'm still fairly new to synths and samplers and stuff, but I think that if I'd only used my PC and a good soundcard in order to create music, I would have given up long time ago.
A PC is good for sequencing (and even that can be argued about) and recording, but as a sound source on it's own... nah... I prefer outboard gear.

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Message 15/15             11-Jun-98  @  09:13 AM   -   RE: Need a good and cheap companion to my CS1X


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I have an Orbit.Its fantastic ,but since you allready have a synth why not buy a sampler?
A sampler will boost your creativity so i would recomend an akai S2000.They are very cheap and
if you need you can expand them later with fx,extra outs,zip drives.....

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