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Subject: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Apr-98  @  09:47 AM   -   FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator



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I was checking out and downloaded a beta copy. Also at Worth checkin out!

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Message 11/19             06-Apr-98  @  08:48 PM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator



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blimey !!...... dunno what happened there !!..... anyway.... it works.... but... I couldnt see any way to enable the streaming to .WAV file....... and there's nothing in the help about getting the facility ONLY when you register or anything....... anyhow..... shame they didnt include a decay rate...... would have bee more useful than a delay maybe to get the hatz just right..... still it booms along.... also interestingly it can function as a midi player.... sample player.... or both !!...... so you can export your midi loops to file.... and theoretically if you assign the same samples to the note numbers in your sampler.... it should play the same loop I'd have thought !....... pretty damned good !.......

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Message 12/19             07-Apr-98  @  11:47 AM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator


Posts: 240

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I also liked this, found it better to use than hammerhead, damn fine job!, could do with a decent file editor tho

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Message 13/19             07-Apr-98  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator



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actually..... the filter section can produce some unusual sounds.... quite a good compliment to the old sound arsenal that one.... anyone figured out how to stream the patterns to a .WAV file yet ??....

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Message 14/19             07-Apr-98  @  05:28 PM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator



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The stream to .wav function won't be included until the shareware version comes out.

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Message 15/19             07-Apr-98  @  11:49 PM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator



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Argh...I can't seem to get it to trigger midi properly. I can manually trigger midi banks/sounds through the Channel Setting/select you Midi note/drum, but not through the actual step sequencer.
Anyone tried this? I would like to be able to use the drum sets off my CS1x and mess with them. Anyways its a great little app and I can't wait for the final version. Oh yeah Rule man! Thanks for maintaining such a great website with so much valuable info!

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Message 16/19             28-Apr-98  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator



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Where it is possible it to receive on a good velocity and it is desirable FTP?
And also similar programs - Little Drummer Boy 0.82b, Buzz alpha15
Except for http: // _ without _ frames.html
There velocity a turtle!

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Message 17/19             28-Apr-98  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator



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Alex...Thanks for the tip. I've just downloaded the new fruity beta and LDB from about 10secs each. Must just be where I am or when I did it...

Where is '.ua'?

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Message 18/19             28-Apr-98  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator



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Alex...Thanks for the tip. I've just downloaded the new fruity beta and LDB from about 10secs each. Must just be where I am or when I did it...

Where is '.ua'?

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Message 19/19             28-Apr-98  @  04:30 PM   -   RE: FruityLoops beta out! a new drumbeat creator


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I am Subj from DaKamuza, I make tunes in style BreakBeat *chemical beat.
I live on solar and peaceful Ukraine. (republic former USSR)
Soon (in 1 week) I let out my album...
Thank you for a response...

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