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Subject: weird stutters, lags, and skipping

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Sep-05  @  06:52 PM   -   weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 219

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Gotta a funny problem here. I've been having trouble with audio playback here on my computer. Its happening in every program so i reckon its a general system problem rather than something specific to each program. I'm using Avid DV, Combustion, Wavelab and Itunes and in everything I keep getting random audio lags and stuttering, sometimes it sounds like a CD skipping or just stutters. A lot of the time the PC pauses as if its just taking a second to collect its thoughts... well I've no idea what might be causing this or how I might go about fixing it. I don't really wanna consider a system wipe just yet but.... it is that annoying... Any ideas? What usually cause these kinda problems?


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Message 11/29             08-Sep-05  @  06:11 AM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


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Message 12/29             08-Sep-05  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 12353

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no, virus s/w doesnt stop that shit, you'd better identify the pop ups and then search for a fix.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 13/29             08-Sep-05  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


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Yep. Its Aurora and I got 'how to fix it' tutorial. Only thing I can't figure out is...

'From a command prompt, go to the Windows/System directory and type dir>nail.exe (this changes the contents of nail.exe and their software doesn't try to remedy this situation)'

How do I do this?

Quickest response gets a prize.

I'll probably need help with the last bit too...

'Finally, using RegEdit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon and change the shell key to "c:\windows\explorer.exe'


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Message 14/29             08-Sep-05  @  11:15 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 12353

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look in your start menu or programmes menu - choose 'command prompt'

dos starts (black screen, flashing cursor)





You'll now see this:


then type:


You now see this:


Now type this:


You now see this:


you are now in the system directory

then type the suggested text, but you MUST type it with the spaces etc EXACTLY as you were told it




typ in the 'run' box this:


regedit opens

follow the tree PATH as you posted it:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

click on the 'Winlogon' yellow folder, and the right-hand white panel shows the contents

look for the entry called: SHELL

right click on it and choose: MODIFY

type/paste in the command you were told:


close regedit (there is no 'save' required)

thats it


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 15/29             09-Sep-05  @  12:52 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 219

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It won't work,

When I go into command prompt it says...

C:\Documents and settings\Sean>

so I type CD WINDOWS

and it goes...

C:\Documents and settings\Sean\windows>

then CD SYSTEM...

C:\Documents and settings\Sean\WINDOWS\system>

Then I do the dir>nail.exe after this and it keeps going back to the previous line above. I've tried various combo's but nothing. Think its got something to do with the fisrst line. it should be just


as you said.

Heres the link for the tutorial I found to remove the Aurora spyware....

Whatever this thing is its taking up over 500meg of my 1024 mb ram. Bastards.

Thanks K btw. much appreciated as always.


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Message 16/29             09-Sep-05  @  03:36 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 12353

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It won't work,

When I go into command prompt it says...

C:\Documents and settings\Sean>

ok, simply type:

CD C:\

and you'll be at the start point of the root C: drive where you need to start from


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/29             09-Sep-05  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 12353

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btw, 'CD' means 'change directory' if you wondered  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 18/29             09-Sep-05  @  05:55 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 219

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cool. well i did all that. Aurora hasn't reared its ugly head yet so it seems to have worked but...

nail.exe won't delete... system tells me its in use, didn't get that before I did the dos thing. when i did the dir>nail.exe what did that do exactly? Well anyway I rebooted and for a moment the command prompt window opened for split second with the title - nail.exe - in the blue top bar. So I did the regedit stuff anyway and so far after about an hour things seems fine. Hopefully its all cool now. Is 250+ MB ram being used by the system normal for windowsXP? Seems like an awful lot. Remember the good old days when I had my apple LC650 running smoothly on just 500k...

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Message 19/29             10-Sep-05  @  01:53 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 12353

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well, that may not have been the best way to get rid of it, cos it hasnt actualy deleted it, perhaps a better actual removal fix is out there if you search a bit more

Direct Revenue LLC
107 Grand Street
3rd Floor
New York, NY 10013
V: 646.613.0376
F: 646.613.0386

thats the address of the company responsible for you hack, perhaps send them something nasty in the post.

My personal opinion is that someone needs to start a website where people can signup and pay a small monthly fee,. This monthly fee from users is then used to pay a team of international mercenaries who will track down the ceo's of offending companies and kill them basicaly.

lol... it'd stop then wouldnt it!!

I for one would happily pay 20 quid a month for this service just to know these cunts were being detroyed. It could be a sort of international mercenary police, democraticaly controlled by people globably who are fucking fed up with the inability of western governments to take action against these scumbags.

Not cos i get these problems (i think i had 2 infestations in the last 6 years), but cos i have to fix freinds pc's all the time which have been infested and the sad thing/reality is, these people target children to get the hacks installed, only people with kids seem to get these infestations in my circle of freinds, cos their kids go to the sites and d/load the sort of free crap which exploits - I tell them over and over, but y'know, THAT'S WHY THEY TARGET KIDS!! cos kids dont listen to advice of this nature and are easily influenced by flashy offers and con merchants cos they are children.

the simple answer to the best chance for a malware free life is:

for porn use (he advertises warnings for virus's and trojans, he also raises alot of money for charity - personal morals aside, at least he seems like a decent guy) & you will not get crap on his site

dont ever go to urban/hip-hop/rnb music sites

dont install ANYTHING for quicker d/loading or whatever.

Dont use IE, use firefox with the usual securities and you should be ok.

apparently if you do a bootime scan with AVAST AV (free, i use it, it's brilliant) that gets rid of the nail/auraura executables. But you'd betetr search more, all that dos fix did was redirect the executable afaik so it runs but doesnt do what it's sposed to do


you can send a complaint to The New York State Attorney General - they are taking action i think against the company - there is also a class action going on but i cant find any links to get yourself added to the list of claiments.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 20/29             10-Sep-05  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: weird stutters, lags, and skipping


Posts: 5701

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lol k, i'd sign up for that service right away!

my pc life has been pretty much trouble free, but just last week i had to reinstall a friend's pc which was affected by the Spy Sheriff. aparently, the delete procedure is so complicated that you are either a serious pc geek or you may as well reformat the HD and start fresh. all because his younger brother was looking at some porn sites

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