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Subject: admin - question about new site

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Original Message 1/3             20-Jan-08  @  06:18 PM   -   admin - question about new site


Posts: 12353

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File?:  No file

ok guys, I signed up for myspace a long time ago to see what their admin was like, and I never signed up with facebollox at all

so - a question - about adding friends or artists found on the site to your 'mates' list

how do the other sites do it?, i forget, cos i gave up on myspace and no longer bother to add freind requests cos it is pointless, I must have 50 un-answered freind requests, but whats the point?, they never view your page and i know that because I added a test text to my page to see if they read it, and they dont.

anyways.. adding freinds

lets say YOU send a request to add someone to YOUR 'mates' list... the other party then approves that request....

now; once THEY approve that request, you then have them as a friend on YOUR page right.... but does that approval then automaticaly add that requesting person to your own friends list?

Like, by accepting the request to be added to THEIR page as a friend, does that acceptance then automaticaly add them to YOUR freind list?

or... do you have to then send a request to THEM so they can accept as being added as one of your friends also?

I cant remember how the other sites do it.. and besides, regardless of that, which way is best for you?... what do you think?

Would you prefer it that by accepting a friend-request from a 3rd party it also automaticaly adds that requesting user to your own friend-list?

what say you??



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/3             20-Jan-08  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: admin - question about new site

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

Link?: Link

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Aye, that's the gist. Friendship is two-way otherwise you're just a nuisance.

It seems to be a badge thing mainly. The list of MySpace top-friends is useful for getting an idea about someone and finding interesting new things (music & blogs mainly).

On the whole though, it's a bit of an arse. I've noticed that when leaving comments on pages of people who've requested to be friends, there is often a list of comments all dated the same day. Many of those commenting can be found on someone else's page, so it seems like folk ask everyone who comments on someone else's page to become their 'friends'. Also, I'd quite like to know when someone like Saad Chishty releases a new track [very powerful vocals, really champion stuff], but I'm not that bothered if the snotty-nosed 'teeny-rapper' I clicked the 'accept' button to releases anything else or not: he may have liked my stuff, but that doesn't mean I have to like his.

I suppose there's a lingering notion that having thousands of friends means you're popular. If a % of those have actually listened to your music, it's a free way of advertising I suppose. It's a bit like spam in a way. I must be popular 'cos I get hundreds of emails a day! [on which point, has anyone noticed that spam has drastically reduced recently?]

Also, I don't see why I should like someone just because I like their music. Joy Division were exceptional musically, but I'm not sure I'd have enjoyed their company at home. Perhaps, rather than friends, we could have 'Music I Rate' or some such.

Maybe, instead of (or in addition to) the Mcburger-style ranking currently in use, we could have a usefulness mark/rank/value -- something where folks who ask questions can vote on the accuracy and value of any replies. Mustard vs BS sort of thing.

However, I'm not an avid user of social network sites. I had a go at Facebook but didn't really get into it. I like MySpace because I'm in touch with some interesting and likeable folk through it, not for any particular feature. That said, two (yes, twice as many as one) people on MySpace have asked if they could buy one of my tunes -- No-one on DT has ever asked that.

DT is more than a marketing tool though. We also get good advice on musical things here, help that would be difficult to come by without DT. MySpace et al are social networks, DT is a musical network. Don't lose the uniqueness.

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Message 3/3             21-Jan-08  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: admin - question about new site


Posts: 12353

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

Joy Division were exceptional musically, but I'm not sure I'd have enjoyed their company at home.

did you see the flim yet?

it could be worse... mark e smith as a roomy, lol

anyways yes, i personaly feel that anyone already a user here however infrequently, (and new users, if of the same ilk), would tend to simply link to other people who's music they rate.. that'd be the priority

our users are staged by tier as they join btw, so we could make it so that non-artist users are unable to link to music-makers pages as 'friends'.. so only links would be made between people adding music rather than anything else... it's not like the non music users who register ever create a profile anyways; they mostly signup to d/load files or whatever, so you get a stream of new users who dont add anything and move on after getting a file or whatever.... the site has no rep as a network site so few people use it as such.. the server unreliability has been not good tho in helping it to grow  

we have no plan to be a facebook type thing on any scale, but would like to offer muso's an ability to link...

The new site is quite zippy btw when the server delivers. We're gonna have to re-open 7161 with a minimum admin to trace the server-crunching code

we'll open it with ability to edit profile, add music, add images/video, but the homepage section will be closed and re-added bit by bit - there's some serious jiggery pokery has to be done also with users music files which all need to be moved to new disks and re-indexed'll be a stretch, but i do find browsing the new site so much easier.

as for dancteech yes, it's got the same makeover and they are almost identical so browsing either will be easy to figure... synths, or tracks, they display the same with the same rating system.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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