aaa Hooking up PC, synth module and TB-303 - Music techology forums
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Subject: Hooking up PC, synth module and TB-303

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Original Message 1/3             09-Mar-98  @  01:29 AM   -   Hooking up PC, synth module and TB-303



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Can anyone give me tips on what I need to run both a Yamaha TG-33 module and a Tb-303 from my PC? Will the Korg KMS30 synchroniser work? It has MIDI ins and outs, DIN SYNC and tape sync. Is there a better/cheaper solution? This is how I plan to do it: MIDI out from my soundcard to the KMS30. From there MIDI out to the tg-33 and din sync out to the 303. Will this work? Do I need any additional cables? Am I totally off?


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Message 2/3             09-Mar-98  @  05:39 AM   -   RE: Hooking up PC, synth module and TB-303



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correct... if the kms30 supports roland's about 6 years since i got rid of the 606 and 303... but if i remeber right, doesn't din sync have different rates for different manufactures... or a few rates with different amnufacturers supporting them,....??..... can't remeber..... JL cooper and is it dman or midiman (if it's the same i dunno )..and kenton and er....philip reeese i think all do little midi to din sync boxes real cheap....

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Message 3/3             10-Mar-98  @  02:04 AM   -   RE: Hooking up PC, synth module and TB-303



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someone e-mailed me a while back 'bout the korg syncro box and yes it syncs roland stuff. he said this thing supports both korg and roland din sync rates...i can't remember specifics right now...

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