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Subject: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg

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Original Message 1/33             23-Mar-98  @  04:29 PM   -   hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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ok it'll be out in a month apparently.........

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Message 2/33             23-Mar-98  @  09:44 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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I just read the dedication on the sw-version of hammerhead where Bros goes out hard against Steinberg and their lackeys (dunno how to write, I'm just Norwegian...). It all goes into perspective now, doesn't it. The allmighty dollar, or Deutschmark to be more correct, wins again.

Adam Smith invisible hand is at it again. Supply and Demand. Steinberg f**** the consumers. same ol', sameol'. Btw. for educational purposes only, might make your day?

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Message 3/33             24-Mar-98  @  09:19 AM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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yup........ maybe he's gotta ex-wife...... believe me they have strange powers of motivatiing you to make more money....... like breaking your balls until you do...... :-)

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Message 4/33             24-Mar-98  @  11:45 AM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg


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The thing is, there's that editor for Rebirth that lets you add your own drum samples to that. How is B Box going to compete with that? Rebirth lets you use about 20 of your own sounds... From the picture I've seen of B Box, it only seems to have about 8 channels. Yeah sure Rebirth doesn't have swing, but the swing on Hammerhead never told you the % of swing being used.

Damn, what am I going on about here, I don't even use any of them anyway.

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Message 5/33             24-Mar-98  @  02:40 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Is there a hardware drum machine that works like Hammerhead?, without the use of an external sampler I mean. Is there a drum machine that allows you to sample and then step sequence your patterns?

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Message 6/33             24-Mar-98  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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the MPC series....... or...dare i say it..... the Casio RZ-1

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Message 7/33             24-Mar-98  @  09:00 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Is there something wrong with the Casios? Some reason to be ashamed of using one?

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Message 8/33             25-Mar-98  @  10:07 AM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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nope..... I think they had some shit hot products........shame they didnt also have a shit hot team to market them., their marketing was crap in the pro-audio in the end, i guess they plumped to stick to consumer home products....... the rz-1 is a great little drum box for the measly money you can get them for, and you an add a few samples to get a custom snare and kik or whatever.....

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Message 9/33             25-Mar-98  @  08:37 PM   -   check it...



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still not sure what you're getting for $99. more sounds? big fuckin deal, surf the web, you'll find'em free...

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Message 10/33             25-Mar-98  @  10:32 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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bloody wierd... bram sent me the image... and said it's top secret , dont post it at your site.... oh well here we go:

well, it's got note velocity per step for one thing.....

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Message 11/33             25-Mar-98  @  10:44 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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will it be available for mac, you bloody separatists???

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Message 12/33             26-Mar-98  @  05:39 AM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg


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Hmmm.... looks just like the old hammerhead if you ask me. There'd wanna be some marked improvements to justify the $99. I remember first seeing the BDay is coming message and I thought wowsers!...a new hammerhead, cool. My anticipation grew....and grew..... and months down the track that bloody message was still there. Then I find out that when (if) it ever arives its now gonna cost 100 smackeroons. What a load of wank. The biggest problems with the original Hammerhead (ie. reasons I stopped using it) where lack of polyphony/tracks and the fact that it was a bloody pain in the ass to use the makebank thingy to load your own samples into it. Going by the screenshots and stuff it doesn't look like these problems have been addressed. I dunno, maybe they're gonna add lots more neato things to it before it's available? I hope so because there's plenty of other (free or cheaper) ways to accomplish what can be done with HH. I don't like being negative but sheesh...

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Message 13/33             26-Mar-98  @  11:27 AM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg


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Yeah, and no 32nd notes like Making Waves?

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Message 14/33             26-Mar-98  @  02:23 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Oooh Kilo, aren't you worried you pissed of the Steinburg con-artists? Phuk-m......Anyways...Making Waves still looks much better..... The only difference looks like he stole the pattern selection...I'll keep my dosh thank you.

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Message 15/33             26-Mar-98  @  02:37 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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huh...... making waves goes to 32 notes..... er.... hang about..... ok it's now support stereo amples and has it now uses .wav samples.... 20 per user bank, and comes with a huge seection of original sample kits for virtually every analog drum box made..... all the sample banks were made will the actual machines.......
it's gobba ne $50 100 marks....... uk price..... dunno maybe 50 squids....seems all the dollar rates just get a £ sign added over here....

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Message 16/33             26-Mar-98  @  03:07 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Maybe this is a stupid question but like different hardware does different software SOUND different.
I'm thinking about the general flatness of sound that comes from Making Waves vs. my copy of Mixman Studie for example. No one every really talks about how a program sounds. Maybe I'm just showing my technical ignorance.

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Message 17/33             26-Mar-98  @  05:10 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg


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so steinberg move in .expect to do more with it then sync i hope.Incidentally, i got the Making W demo, but cant get a squeak out of it ;should i be able to , or do i just admire the screen?

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Message 18/33             29-Mar-98  @  05:23 AM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg


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Just remember the new 2.0 ver of rebirth will have a 909 added on with the 808 and also a direct link to cubase

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Message 19/33             29-Mar-98  @  09:13 AM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Hey wow,that almost sounds worth buying this time round

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Message 20/33             29-Mar-98  @  01:51 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg


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So, Rebirth 2 will have a 909 aswell as an 808?.. Damn, why don't they scrap one of the 303's and put a moog or something in there !!!

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Message 21/33             01-Apr-98  @  01:20 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Music software needs to have a high
fun factor to tickle your creativity...

B.BoX looks like what you would want to have
on your desk to play with all night (and sounds
like it too).

Making Waves looks like the paper you get when
you're doing your math-exams...

Figure the difference ?


Bram Bos

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Message 22/33             01-Apr-98  @  02:05 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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now c'mon Bram mate....... I remember you slagging Steinberg too !!!....... making waves is a fine s/w mate........also I'd add that what I would like on my desktop to play with all night isn't currently available from steinberg, yourself, or any s/w house...... heh heh......

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Message 23/33             01-Apr-98  @  02:25 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Hey Bram my man. I ahve to agree with you. I got into hammerhead because it worked like a gadget not like a multiple choice form. Having said that you did slag off Propellerhead and Steinberg. And having said that you deserve to make some money for your efforts.

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Message 24/33             01-Apr-98  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Message 25/33             02-Apr-98  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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I for one really appreciate a music program that behaves like a musical instument, and I'll back that up with a check as soon as BBox ships.

Hammerhead and Seq-303 rule! If I want all the features of making waves, I'd just use cakewalk anyway.

I don't mean to slag making waves, it's just that I couldn't make heads or tails out of it (and I'm not an idiot). It took me 15 seconds to start kicking out cool beats on hammerhead.

It's very clear who gets MY money.

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Message 26/33             04-Apr-98  @  11:29 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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Bram -
32nd Notes????
Have you improved the makebank?
Is there an option for cancellation of smaples when triggering connected samples, like the Breqs and the High Hats in Hammerhead???
Having said that, tho.. I think that Hammerhead sounds clearer and less muddy than Making Waves (Tho that might just be because when faced with all those slots for instruments, I always go overboard and put too much in at once)

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Message 27/33             04-Apr-98  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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I was just thinking...... Rebirth and Hammerhead have never chunked out streamed-to-disk loops that were the same length, in the same tempo...... Now, I assume Cubase has the same values for tempo as Rebirth, and something was said on one of the pages Bram mentioned about it using the same tempo values of Cubase.... So, which one is "wrong"? And if Rebirth is "wrong", is BBox gonna be wrong in the same way, and thus semi-incompatible with Hammerhead?

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Message 28/33             08-Apr-98  @  01:52 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg

Bram Bos (bram


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I don't know anything about timings being incorrect in
ReBirth, but I know that at 140 BPM there are exactly
140 beats in a minute... I think that is pretty simple.

I used the same timing calculation in B.BoX as in
HammerHead (only the B.BoX one was rewritten in
assembler to improve performance).

About the rest:

The Userbank editor is fully integrated, imports up to 20
samples (WAVs) per bank. And with note dynamics and
velocity and panning and reversing settings PER NOTE
I think the ReBirth drumcomputer(s) simply can't be
compared to B.BoX...

All the samples are bought (or sampled) directly from the
big guys: Roland, Korg, Oberheim, Linn, Yamaha, ...
Can't get no better sound for this money. And the
distortion effect in B.BoX is sharp as hell. I rewrote
the algorithm to make it more agressive, dirtier than
any other distortion effect I found so far.

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Message 29/33             08-Apr-98  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg


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I've mucked around with Hammerhead and Rebirth. The option of loading your own samples and the shuffle function are great but still no delay I think - Is that because Steinberg still want to be able to shift copies of Rebirth after B. Box comes out?


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Message 30/33             09-Apr-98  @  02:09 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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I've just found, that if I program a minute long acid twiddling session in Rebirth, and then try to match it to looped HH samples in SAW, that at about 30 seconds Rebirth drifts drastically off tempo... Maybe I've got the settings knackered or something, tho

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Message 31/33             09-Apr-98  @  03:17 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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alot of people report timimg inconsistencies with rebirth..... anyway.... have you guys tried that Fruity-Loops drum box ??..... pretty damned good.... it'll create some wacky drum loops with the filters etc....

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Message 32/33             09-Apr-98  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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More info on the fruity loops please!Where have I been ,I dont know,but I've never heard of it.

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Message 33/33             09-Apr-98  @  08:10 PM   -   RE: hammerhead soon to release via steinberg



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... time inconsistencies with rebirth ????

What kind of PC´s do you use? I really have no problems.

My opinion: If you wanna make music with your PC never
do anything else with this machine (no MS-Explorer, no
Active-Desktor, no Office tools, etc.).

I solved my problems: I have two of these fuckin machines.... one for Internet, Office, and so on and my second one ONLY for music (VST, WaveLab, Rebirth, CD recording).

I have no longer problems.



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