aaa No memory with Cakewalk Please Help me - Music techology forums
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Subject: No memory with Cakewalk Please Help me

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Original Message 1/4             09-May-98  @  09:47 AM   -   No memory with Cakewalk Please Help me



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File?:  No file

I have 32 megs of ram.
However, whenever I use CW and do anything extravagant like an effect or some shite I get "Audio Disk is full, no memory , blah-blah-blah..."

If I want to keep all of my Wav's on my hard disk, do I need to upgrade RAM or is there something I'm doing wrong with file/memory management?

And if I need to back up CW songs how do I do that?
Would I have to dump the CW song(file)onto Jazz disk, along with all of the refrence samples?

Thank you.

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Message 2/4             09-May-98  @  09:57 AM   -   RE: No memory with Cakewalk Please Help me



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File?:  No file

Firstly....I'm no expert....but, make sure that you have the audio data directory set properly, I think its in the drop down menu somewhere beside AUDIO HARDWARE and just have a look around and if you find it, make sure the directory that is specified is on a HD partition that has enough space for your audio data. Maybe if its not finding HD space, its then looking for memory and your WAV file is bigger than 32Megs, hence the no memory error. And on the second CAN save your file to floppy as a normal .WRK or .MID file, but a normal save will not save the audio data too.....the saved file will still load up your audio data, but only because it points to the right location on your HD, so I suppose if your looking to back up your audio data should probably change the Audio Data Directory for EVERY song you do so that you know which directory has the data for which song, because CW names the audio data so that you wouldnt have a clue which song it belongs to....then if you do this, you would be able to back up the appropriate audio data for each song. Tedious maybe!! Anyway......there you go!! C yah.

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Message 3/4             09-May-98  @  07:30 PM   -   RE: No memory with Cakewalk Please Help me



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File?:  No file

souhds like your main drive is full..... NOT the audio drive... (unless you use the same one... but windows reqwuires about 100mb free on the same drive as windows to file cache.... so you'd better either... get a new h/d.... and clear out your c drive...

to back up.... send the audio pool.... over to jazz plus the song (WRK files...) cakewalk set's the audio file reference folder space in audio pefreneces advanced... you can have several folders for different songs.. (but you need to manually change the path when you open cakewalk (well, you do in V5).....

you could also try to UP the Windows file caching size (Virtual memory), in windows system/performance

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Message 4/4             10-May-98  @  08:43 AM   -   RE: No memory with Cakewalk Please Help me



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File?:  No file

thanks to all.

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