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Subject: BMF'n Newbie Question

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Original Message 1/4             18-May-97  @  04:52 AM   -   CS1-X Question



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I was planning to buy a CS1-X so I could start fooling around with hard techno for my own amusement. I have no aspirations to play live just mainly fuck around mostly during the summer. Awile ago I was in a shop fooling around with a CS1-X and then with a MC-303. I had always been under the impression that a synth was imperative to starting this kind of thing but the MC-303 seemed to have all the sounds and features I needed to create some neat stuff that I would be satisfied with. I have a real nice Mac and Cubase so if I buy the Yamaha will I be able to do most of the stuff that the 303 can do or would it be more beneficial to buy them both or maybe just the 303. Also, how important is it to learn to play piano when produng this kind of music and if it is really important what style of piano should I learn to play?

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Message 2/4             19-May-97  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: BMF'n Newbie Question


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No it's not can just experiment with notes in step time, and then edit them around to get an interesting pattern or chord or idea....
It also depends what is your influence......cos some techno is mostly samples....and some is mostly synths...
If you wanna do a prodigy/Chemical bros thing...then you will need a sampler....but if it's more euro techno....then it's more synths.....
If you're using Cubase with audio, then it will play all your you are just limited to not being able to produce midi triggered samlple for this a small memory sampler will do can then if you like create the sampler part, and record that to hard disk as well, then play it back as an audio part....
Synths like the MC303 & CS-1X are ok if added to some other kit...but you will be kinda limited to the same sounds as everyone else as the MC is not editable...and the CS allows only 1 spacial performance sound per multi-set.....
I belive an ideal starter system, is a software with audio...such as cubase or cakewalk....a cheap secondhand sampler....a drum box...and a DB50 card....but the synth can be something else besides the maybe a Roland w30 sampler with a synth built in will give both...however....if you like the mc-303 or cs1x...then add that to a sampler...such as those listed in the budget midikit section...would give a cool starter system with a small mixer & reverb & delay can use the whole memory of the sampler....create a part...then record it to hard disk, paste it into the track...then re-set the sampler to do another could do the same with the CS-1x special parts as well...thus giving you more than one special sound in a could choose a special sound...create a bassline, then record it to hard disk....paste it into the track...then re-set the CS1x, and create a new lead synth part that will play via midi along with the hard disk audio recorded parts....

here's an example....I once created a track with a piano riff, and a bassline....for composing the track, I used a cheap DX-100 synth for the oiano as |i created the midi mix time....I reassigned the midi to play the samplers piano sound...which was more harsh & upfront...but the piano sample used the whole samplers memory...and the sampler was designated to add two kit sounds...a re-triggered sound FX, and a rwal bass guitar i set the sampler playing the piano part....recorded the piano riff to audio....then re-set the sampler to play the other stuff in the mix....that way i got the best quality upfront piano...AND the sampler bits all in the mix.....thats how it can be done....this same technique also allows you to create layered sounds from synth thet dont have layering....

for example...have you tried taking a mono synth sawtooth patch....and recording 3 different versions of the same 4 bar synth part to hard-disk...but slightly de-tuning each take...then blending the 3 detuned sawtooth lines??......hmmmmmm....3 layer sound !

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Message 3/4             22-May-97  @  02:21 PM   -   RE: BMF'n Newbie Question



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when i say the MC-303 is not editable, I mean not without sysex & alot of pratting around.

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Message 4/4             22-May-97  @  02:23 PM   -   RE: BMF'n Newbie Question



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when i say the MC-303 is not editable, I mean not without sysex & alot of pratting around.

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