aaa Midi Delay ?. - Music techology forums
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Subject: Midi Delay ?.

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Original Message 1/4             28-Jun-97  @  11:45 PM   -   Midi Delay ?.



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" Tell me " why is that I am unable to discover the enjoyments of an Awe Sound Card with Expansion processor ?.

I am the proud owner of a Pentium " blaa blaa blaa " 133, totally unable to perceive Data without Midi Delay. Regardless of which ever sequencer is operating, surely this is not the " Norm ".
Do I need to change the Sound Card already ? or is it the processing power of teh Mother Board?.

A very despondent Swatch.

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Message 2/4             30-Jun-97  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: Midi Delay ?.



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hmmmmmmm....i dont know alot about the awe suff.....
there just seems to be endless problems with it on the
newsgroups...(although maybe that's cos they shift
so many units)....

so what is the delay between??... do you know there is a delay??
...what delay??....
between the midi & audio from a midi & h/d programme??...

or between the awe synth and samples from
the awe?....

or between internal & external midi??...

I'm just tryin' to figure it out......or is it a delay between the cursor on the screen & the notes sounding ??...or what???

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Message 3/4             30-Mar-98  @  12:48 PM   -   RE: Midi Delay ?.



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TESTL 1;L ;L ;L ;2L ;L ;L ;L 3IJ4J 4OJ5 O5J O5J

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Message 4/4             01-Apr-98  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: Midi Delay ?.



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the awe 64 has 2 ways of playing midi -- the normal way, which i believe is called "midi synth" or something like that, and a stupid "WaveGuide" thing that interprets midi and plays it out as if it's a .wav file. WaveGuide sounds nice, but it's slow and you CAN'T play digital audio (.wav files) at the same time you're using WaveGuide.

In cakewalk, just make sure that waveguide is NOT selected for midi output--and DO select the other midi output (sorry, can't remember what it's called.) I'm sure the other sequencers have similar features for selecting the midi outputs.

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