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Subject: New mixer video for noobs added

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Original Message 1/5             05-Jul-06  @  10:48 AM   -   New mixer video for noobs added


Posts: 12353

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see frontpage ('Studio' icon in site menu)

a new Video series about mixers and mixing.

First video is added. It's not like 'Part-1' in a series, I did this one originaly intending to simply add 2 videos... one on a 'split' mixer and one on an 'inline' mixer so noobs can see how either type works. Then I thought that a primer 'starter' intro video should idealy be added for really noob noobs.

So the intro part-1 'Primer' video will be added soon, meantime checkout the one just added. It shows all about how a split-console works, with audio to and from the recorder.

I'll be adding a second video showing an Inline-console so the difference can be seen..... then when the primer-video is added it'll make a set for noobs

we'll prolly also add a 4th video about the actual mixing itself, using eq, etc etc which will be relevent regardless of mixer form type

the video is 180mb zipped and lasts around 45 minutes - windows movie format (wmv9)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/5             06-Jul-06  @  06:48 AM   -   RE: New mixer video for noobs added

Rags .aka. Welder

Posts: 649

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I found this very interesting, also the presentation is great. What I liked abou it is how you explain all those little details, but stilll, in a very logical order, and repeating the important stuff so you don't have to go back again and again because you've missed some important detail. Also, it is great how you start with showing the board "in isolation", with the white background, but then there is a glance backwards so one can see a whole studio that is connected to the mixer.

These days I am watching a lot of "tutorials" for 3d apps, but most of the times those are only "showcasing" without really teaching the fundamentals.

Talking about gound back and forth, I had some problems with "seeking", so when I jumped a bit back in time, the audio/video fell out of sync, like for that cubase video...

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Message 3/5             06-Jul-06  @  09:37 AM   -   RE: New mixer video for noobs added


Posts: 12353

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oh no, it's not doing that is it?... damn, i'll have to re-render it as video only and then join the audio & video as seperate streams... it's amazing how no-one makes a codec that actualy syncs audio & video properly per frame properly, if the avi master is in sync regardless of forwarding & rewind you'd think a straight render from that'd be in-sync wouldn't you  

glad u like it anyways mate, when the others in the series are done i'm gonna try and scrounge some typical small mixers from manufacturers to do small vid's on those, how to use them with a typical pc studio... perhaps they'd go for it and we could do little accompanying vid's on typical mixers like Yamaha MG, Behringer UB etc which'd be useful. Gotta get Part-5 of 'Cubase for Noobs' done tho soon


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/5             06-Jul-06  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: New mixer video for noobs added


Posts: 890

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lol... whats the deal with the big stick!


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Message 5/5             06-Jul-06  @  08:51 PM   -   RE: New mixer video for noobs added


Posts: 12353

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File?:  No file

it's fer pupils who dont pay attention!... nah, it's an Aikido Jo... so i can point out the sections without getting in the way of the whole mixer image of course


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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