aaa Making Goa Trance with an AWE64 and 850$ ?! - Music techology forums
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Subject: Making Goa Trance with an AWE64 and 850$ ?!

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Original Message 1/5             24-Mar-98  @  10:09 AM   -   Making Goa Trance with an AWE64 and 850$ ?!



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Okay, it's pretty easy. I've got 850$, a fuckin' slow computer and a place where I even't GOT a computer to use for composing. Now second part... I want to make Goa Trance (not like every wuss saying "I want to make a hit", but just for fun, but quality and correct stuff). I'm thinking about the Rave-O-Lution 309 by Quasimidi, the new JX-305 by Roland (although I don't go for that grooveshit, who needs macarena patterns anyway??) and at first I'd thought of the Yamaha CS1x but I forgot about that one because it's a toy... VERY important is the fact that I need a built in secuencer (or at least something to store my work at) because, as already mentioned, I ain't got a computer at the other location...
ANY ideas what might help?
Kilo recommended me the Access Virus, but I guess that's a bit too pure analog synth cause it ain't got drums and stuff and the drums on my AWE64 suck like hell (except for my sampled 909 set  
Thanks in advance...

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Message 2/5             24-Mar-98  @  10:09 AM   -   Making Goa Trance with an AWE64 and 850$ ?!



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Okay, it's pretty easy. I've got 850$, a fuckin' slow computer and a place where I even't GOT a computer to use for composing. Now second part... I want to make Goa Trance (not like every wuss saying "I want to make a hit", but just for fun, but quality and correct stuff). I'm thinking about the Rave-O-Lution 309 by Quasimidi, the new JX-305 by Roland (although I don't go for that grooveshit, who needs macarena patterns anyway??) and at first I'd thought of the Yamaha CS1x but I forgot about that one because it's a toy... VERY important is the fact that I need a built in secuencer (or at least something to store my work at) because, as already mentioned, I ain't got a computer at the other location...
ANY ideas what might help?
Kilo recommended me the Access Virus, but I guess that's a bit too pure analog synth cause it ain't got drums and stuff and the drums on my AWE64 suck like hell (except for my sampled 909 set  
Thanks in advance...

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Message 3/5             24-Mar-98  @  06:34 PM   -   RE: Making Goa Trance with an AWE64 and 850$ ?!



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Why do you think the cs1x is a toy? I used it on 3 tracks recently that were bought by Blue room released records.
It's a trendy piece of gear to slag off but if used correctly it can be a killer piece of kit. You won't get much for $850. Forget about a jx305 and virus at that price.

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Message 4/5             24-Mar-98  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: Making Goa Trance with an AWE64 and 850$ ?!



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I donīt understand your situation. You can use or not that
If no, you can buy an MC303 that nobody wants because
nobody knows how to get the hell out of it.
Also, as Michael says, the CS1x is a very good machine
for the buck. You can buy this and a small QY10 for basic
8-channels pattern sequencing.
Also the QY fits perfectly on the CSīs top.
Or you can buy an old sampler (Emax II, Roland S550,
FZ1/10/20M, EPS/EPS16Plus) and a sequencer like the
QY series or Alesis MMT8 thats works in a drum machine-
like way and have real-time track mute buttons.
Quasimisi have the technox and quasar modules, thats
are very specified for dance music.
Also a second-hand E-Mu Orbit, Morpheus, Ultra Proteus
modules or E-Mu ESI32 sampler + sequencer will fit very
well in your music, but those are in the limit (if not avobe)
of your price range.


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Message 5/5             24-Mar-98  @  10:19 PM   -   RE: Making Goa Trance with an AWE64 and 850$ ?!



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i'd get:

*mmt8 8 track sequencer - $150 max
-use this to sequnence all your drums and keyboards, i own one and they are good.

*cheap sampler - eps, emax - $500 max used.
(the eps has a 8 track sequencer built-in) - i own one of these(eps) and it is good, not the
best but you can't do better for the money. i'm getting a akai soon, so email if you might
want to buy mine).

-use sampler for drums, beats, weird stuff mainly but can also do your synth sounds until you
can afford more synth

-cs1x synth(i don't own one, but for the money it seems decent) - $400 used.

buy the sampler first and use it for drums and synths until you get the money for more keyboards.

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