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Subject: Hip Hop tracks

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Original Message 1/7             19-Dec-97  @  07:21 PM   -   Hip Hop tracks


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What shareware software are you hip hop producers using to make hip hop tracks?Is the new mixman studio program any good

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Message 2/7             22-Dec-97  @  02:50 AM   -   RE: Hip Hop tracks



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i'm kinda new to this but i don't think any hip hop producer worth his street credentials would admit to using mixman in his traks...i just saw that software in music and computers (something like that) magazine yestrday and it seemed to be little more than a toy...i could be wrong...

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Message 3/7             22-Dec-97  @  09:56 AM   -   RE: Hip Hop tracks



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I downloaded the demo for that thing, just on a whim, not expecting it to be of any use, just expecting to have fun.. 5 minutes later, my girlfriend was hitting me and yelling at me to turn the fucking thing off.. And she puts up with a lot.. She'll be forced to listen as I tweak the same fucking drumbeat for hours on end until I get it right, listen to me as I truncate loops, try to eliminate clicks, and so on, and so on.. So anyways, that program pissed my girlfriend who actually gets a kick out of repetition ( I think.. or else she's got more patience some times than others) off so bad she hit me.. I say burn your copy.. Burn, burn, burn... I can give you a guarantee your'e not gonna score any chicks with it, anyways.

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Message 4/7             22-Dec-97  @  02:08 PM   -   RE: Hip Hop tracks


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I also downloaded mixman expecting it to be a shit little toy , but its actually a pretty good toy, the samples it uses are clean and crisp and you can just sit there pressing keys on yer keyboard to activate the samples, great fun for all the family ;)

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Message 5/7             23-Dec-97  @  09:09 AM   -   RE: Hip Hop tracks



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yup....mixman is distributed by time and space ... it's a new format, and like hammerhead, you have to convert .wav files to their own format, to load into mixman.... there are plans to rlease tracks by well known artists which you at home.... yup... it's fun, but it's not really a studio s/w for composition, although technically, you could do it....

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Message 6/7             23-Dec-97  @  01:31 PM   -   RE: Hip Hop tracks



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Bump-Bump-Bump by Generic Dance Band (fUTILITY Ultra-Hardcore Mixman Edit)
yea right

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Message 7/7             24-Dec-97  @  02:35 PM   -   RE: Hip Hop tracks



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heh heh....... he said generic !!!!........ but this is a good point..... cos with more and more pc s/w coming out that allows this, then where is dance gonna go ??........... cos pretty soon, there will be sooooo much generic stuff around.. (yup...more than now even !!).....

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