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Subject: pc1600/s/w editors

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Original Message 1/8             29-Apr-98  @  02:41 AM   -   pc1600/s/w editors


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When using s/w editors or a pc1600, how do you send the sysex data to the sequencer?

I'm currently using some freeware editors for my Matrix and MKS-7 but don't have too many midi ports. The patches are saved in the editor so I've got to close Cubase, open the editor and send the patch, close it up again, and restart Cubase. There's got to be an easier way!

Also, is the pc1600 worth getting if I've already got these editors?

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Message 2/8             29-Apr-98  @  05:24 AM   -   RE: pc1600/s/w editors



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Will your s/w editors save individual patches as midi files? If so, you could open the midi file within Cubase and copy the sysex to whatever song you want.

BTW--What is the pc1600? Are you talking about the one made by Peavy?

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Message 3/8             29-Apr-98  @  05:45 AM   -   RE: pc1600/s/w editors



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You WERE talking about the one made by Peavy.

The PC1600 will not replace your s/w editors. What it will do is allow you to program the 16 faders and buttons to transmit midi CC's or sysex strings. Works great for real-time tweeking.

For example, if you wanted to change the filter cutoff of your Matrix(1000?), you could set up one of the faders on the 1600 to send out the specific sysex string that would change the FC. All of these changes can also be recorded by Cubase.

Also, if you have a hardware sequencer, you could use it as a sysex recorder. Send the patch sysex from the s/w editor to the harware sequencer, and from there, send it back to Cubase. It's tricky, but it can work.

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Message 4/8             29-Apr-98  @  06:01 AM   -   RE: pc1600/s/w editors



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You WERE talking about the one made by Peavy.

The PC1600 will not replace your s/w editors. What it will do is allow you to program the 16 faders and buttons to transmit midi CC's or sysex strings. Works great for real-time tweeking.

For example, if you wanted to change the filter cutoff of your Matrix(1000?), you could set up one of the faders on the 1600 to send out the specific sysex string that would change the FC. All of these changes can also be recorded by Cubase.

Also, if you have a hardware sequencer, you could use it as a sysex recorder. Send the patch sysex from the s/w editor to the harware sequencer, and from there, send it back to Cubase. It's tricky, but it can work.

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Message 5/8             30-Apr-98  @  03:03 AM   -   RE: pc1600/s/w editors


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The s/w editors are fine, but you've got to imagine that I've got 5 machines (6 if I can find sysex info for the mks-30) that I program this way, each with different prog's. Suppose I've spent some time messing with the sliders on the pc1600 and get something good. Can I just send a snapshot of that position into Cubase or does it only see the real-time tweaking?


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Message 6/8             30-Apr-98  @  05:30 PM   -   RE: pc1600/s/w editors



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I would assume that the 1600 could send snapshots, but I don't think that will solve your problem.

When you are working with one of your s/w editor, it knows what synth it is editing. The 1600 will not. The 1600 is just a box that allows you to assign certain parameters to a particular fader or button. It doesn't know what it is editing. The only way I can think of this working is if you can assign every single editable parameter of a synth to every fader/button of the 1600, and I certainly wouldn't guarantee it.

What is needed here, is that the 1600 be able to record/accept single sysex patch dumps. This way, you can send the patch from the s/w to the 1600, and then from the 1600 to Cubase. After that, you could assign certain parameters to certain faders and do some live tweeking that could be recorded in Cubase.

Will the 1600 record/accept single sysex patch dumps? I don't know.

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Message 7/8             30-Apr-98  @  06:10 PM   -   RE: pc1600/s/w editors



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Having more time to think about this... You should edit your synth with your s/w editor, send that patch to your synth, and from your synth, record that patch into Cubase at the beginning of your song. After that, you could use the 1600 to make and record realtime changes. If you decide that the changes made with the 1600 need to be the default/beginning settings for the patch, you could record a snapshot of the 1600, and place this information after the initial patch that was recorded from your synth. This way, you still have the original patch to revert to.

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Message 8/8             01-May-98  @  06:05 AM   -   RE: pc1600/s/w editors


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Dope, thanx!

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