aaa Bored with my 303... - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Bored with my 303...

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Original Message 1/11             23-Aug-99  @  08:17 AM   -   Bored with my 303...



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Please Help!
I've owned a 303 for about 8 years, with a midi to sync 24 box,
but I rarely use it anymore. I just can't think of any new and excitng
ways to use it. I wan't to make it more, well, funky basically. and not
so flat and harsh. I've tried most FX racks and pedals, but I still can't
find THAT sound.

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Message 2/11             23-Aug-99  @  04:49 PM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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Try running it through another synth. I often run the 303 through the Roland SH-09's filter. Or if you really want to go for some WICKED shit, run the 303 through a dope ass vocoder.

You can scare the holy living crap out of yourself that way. Trust me, I have made myself look like a fool at nights in my apartment doing this. It will scare the hell out of you. I once was soo chickend out, that I wouldn't even go to the next room to take a leak!

(that was after 6 hours of headphone violation, that is...)

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Message 3/11             24-Aug-99  @  04:17 AM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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what vocoder are you usin??

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Message 4/11             24-Aug-99  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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MAM VF-11, it's from Germany.

I would ultimately like to own a EMS or Bode Vocoder (Moog). But, you know the drill...

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Message 5/11             24-Aug-99  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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You bitch, I thought you didn't buy the SH-09! You bastard!!

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Message 6/11             24-Aug-99  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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Fuck you talking about?

I said that I "ran into one the other day for cheap", but I already have one. I thought you knew that? One of these days I am gonna grab my old man's Sony Mavica digital camera and send you some jpegs, so you can see my droids...

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Message 7/11             25-Aug-99  @  02:58 PM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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Fuck the camera, send me over an SH-09!!!!!!!!!  

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Message 8/11             29-Aug-99  @  06:22 AM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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You could get it Devilfished... I just got mine back from Australia yesterday and it is the shit. Worth every penny.

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Message 9/11             31-Aug-99  @  12:06 PM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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luck bastard.  

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Message 10/11             31-Aug-99  @  03:23 PM   -   RE: Bored with my 303...



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Man, what you crying about? You've got more analogue gear than you can shake a leg at......a modification ain't the end of the world...

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