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Subject: SNova Crackling

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Original Message 1/12             03-Aug-99  @  03:36 PM   -   SNova Crackling



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Hi ,
I've just got my SNova and notice a lot of crackling - it does die away when I throttle back on the level controls so I guess its an overloading or distortion - just wondering if anybody else has it.....I've got the latest beta software installed.
(I checked all the obvious stuff already)..



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Message 2/12             04-Aug-99  @  09:19 AM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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I have a SNova, and yes some distortion can be heard when playing some sounds and turning the filter knob. I've had the SNova for about a year and it has had problems all the time! Just have to wait for about 5 years for a new beta... Maybe its going to be OS3 beta 77. Who knows. Sorry if I'm abit on the downside.
Good luck!


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Message 3/12             04-Aug-99  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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This kind of issue's only going to get worse; the PC and Windows have proven people are more than willing to sacrifice stability for flexibility. As OS's and hardware get more sophisticated and flexible, the variables just go beyond control.

The one thing I hope doesn't become a trend, though, is that it seems like -- and I'm sure it's purely for business survival reasons, and if so I'm all for it as if a company goes out of business, NO more support -- a lot of instrument makers get hooked with all the excitement of creating the Next Big Thing before they've finished the Last Big Thing. Kind of like going for dessert before you've finished yer peas. I wish, if it were financially possible -- and over the long haul, quality support gets you more money than rapid-fire-release of a variety of unfinished product -- that developers would spend a little more time supporting their last Genius Effort before rushing off to the next one.

Happier Than Thou

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Message 4/12             08-Aug-99  @  08:29 AM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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You can create a really bass heavy loud bastard of a sound and then hit more than one note at a time - or play it too quickly and find that the supernova distorts itself. But really, if you want that much more headroom to make those sounds, your final mix is going to be the most muddy, mushy piece conceivable.
You have to have some limits, and I haven't found any that came close to restricting my 'artist integrity' but I'd like to hear any examples if you want to post your patches to the mailing list.

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Message 5/12             03-Sep-99  @  10:58 AM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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Blimin heck, I regret that last post. Take any loud sound, set the freq cut off fairly low to mid range, and crank the overdrive and res. It crackles quite a lot. Especially if you then add chorus. Now this isn't producing the most ridiculously loud crazy bass sound imaginable, but it DOES crackle. It sounds like the filter is boosting the sound too much and the peaks are being clipped, but not harmonic analog distortion, it's a definite digital crackle. Surely this is a software problem that can be sorted - I'd imagine you just drop the internal level a bit to give it more headroom (no noise anyway).

I know this subject came up a week or two ago, but there definitely is a problem here. Is there any chance of a bug fix for this?

- Sam

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Message 6/12             03-Sep-99  @  11:15 AM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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I've been able to solve all my crackling problems in the Nova by simply adjusting the oscillator mix levels lower. Sometimes this means a level of 10(!) each in a 3-oscillator patch with noise and ring mods. At this level, you shouldn't notice any crackling in the filter, you just have to turn up the master volume or, in multi-channel use, bring the other parts down in level accordingly.

I just wish there was a final amplifier parameter to compensate for the low OSC levels like in the K2500. The DSP is so quiet that noise wouldn't be an issue. Just add it to my wishlist along with a greater range for arpeggiator speed...



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Message 7/12             03-Sep-99  @  06:42 PM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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Like any synth you can cause clipping by overloading the internal signal path. Try turning down the program level. If that doesn't work then turn down the Mix levels of the oscillators.

Also many of the sounds, such as bass sounds, are intended to be played monophonically. If you have them in a performance with the part setting to polyphonic and play them polyphonically you will get distortion.

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Message 8/12             07-Sep-99  @  04:43 PM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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I'd never thought of turning the oscillators down! Silly really. However, a level of 10 sounds a bit drastic. I can't imagine you can here much at level! I think psilycon has really hit the spot on the 'final level parameter' though. On every other machine I own (Akai, several rolands, etc.) there has always been a part level parameter which is separate to the midi controlled volume level. The overall part level is a separately setable value, completely unaffected by the midi volume controls which then work within that range. If you, like I am, are working on producing lots of faded builds etc. only using half the fader because you can't bring it up to high seems a bit silly.

Anyway, the real point after all of that is 'is there any chance of more internal headroom'. I bearly use 3 osc. sounds as it is.

- Sam

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Message 9/12             08-Sep-99  @  02:50 AM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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The problem with turning down the OSC mixer levels is then the filter Distortion seems to have almost no affect on the sound then. It seems like the crackling is caused by overdriving the effects section. Novation should add a level parameter to adjust the sound level out of the synth section into the effects section.


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Message 10/12             09-Sep-99  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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The other possible cause of your problems maybe that the envelopes are opening too quickly which can cause a click, this is because they are designed to allow the construction of percussive sounds which require extremely quick envelopes. For other sounds you need to set the AMP and filter attacks to 8 to avoid clicks when you don't want them.

Look at the way the Presets are constructed to get an idea of what oscillator levels work for particular sounds.

You can already adjust the level going into the Effects section using the AMP envelope.

Personnaly I haven't had any problems, surely 24bit internal headroom is enough!

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