aaa What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII

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Original Message 1/24             07-Mar-00  @  03:55 AM   -   What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII? How is the 303 emulation? Is the distortion good? How stable is it, case and tuning wise? Are the pots nice? Do they stick? Or, do they take a while to send midi data? Would this be a good controller for software (knob wise)? How good is the input? Is there lot's of noise coming out of the unit? How much does it weigh, in kgs (shipping purposes)? Thanks.

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Message 2/24             07-Mar-00  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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hey hows it going dude, i'm looking at the same situation, i.e. 3o3 clone, I dunno on the model u r asking about MB33, but MAB has a one called MAB303 half rack box unit, has lfo and some other "xtras" the knobs don't send midi but I think it has patch memory, it has a led display at least...sounds exelent .. one of the best clones out, compare audio on the unofical TB303 site and u'll hear it has a great sound, slides r exelent, better that the original imo.. but I don't know were to find em.. MAB homepage anyone?

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Message 3/24             07-Mar-00  @  09:15 PM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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Damn that 303, making me want one, it just sounds so good though. Any ways.

Yeah, it sounds good. But not too much like the 303 from those sounds on the unofficial tb-303 web site.

Also, isn't it just a little expensive? And the knobs don't send midi, like the mb33 mkii. It looks nicer though, and it has a 7-seg display. Oh, and, the company that makes the mab303 is "will systems," not mab. But from what I've found out, from a german-language pdf file of the instruction manual, the mb33 sends cc's. Which is good for controlling software.

Also, the mb33 mkii is soooooo cheap. It has an 18db/oct filter. A sub osc. Pulsewidth mod from the env (though I don't know how this will sound). Built-in distortion. And the auto-slide switch is built on the unit.

There is a high quality picture and a demo mp3 at there web site:

the english section isn't up and running yet, though.

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Message 4/24             07-Mar-00  @  10:07 PM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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thanks for the info, had a listen 2 the demo, doesn't show to much, but it sounded really beefy '), didn't hear that TB tone, I'm not saying it can't produce it, they just didn't give us that sound xample, just a beefy sub and a screaming reso but both were TBish and I really diged the sound!!, isn't this the same company as F.A.T. and isn't this just a Freebase moudule with added xtras & MIDI, veary cool xtras> analouge distortion oohhyeah! so I guess the price is going 2 b low.. any idea on price or avalibility?

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Message 5/24             07-Mar-00  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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Actually, I think the fat freebass was a limited edition of the mki. It's also really ugly. The mab303, if I'm correct, is about $500? The mb33 mkii is about $220. And the mb33 (with no extras, like the fat freebass) is roughly $160. The price is more suited to me. Check out:

If you live outside of eurpoe, no vat, only some godawful ups price. About $30 to ship to me.

And about the 303 sound. It's close enough for me. It's going to be deep in the mix. Had a second listen to the mab303, it's actually pretty good.

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Message 6/24             07-Mar-00  @  11:49 PM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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Oops... That was $102 for shipment. Grrrrr... It was about $30 through the mail. But I'd have to pay import fees.

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Message 7/24             08-Mar-00  @  01:42 AM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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U don't have to order them from Germany cos the MAM products r available in the US exclusively from Tracoman under the name Next! MB33mk2 called SuperBass4.4 ,

they didn't list any prices but I found more audio on

3tracks, 1st trk sounds quite like the TB the other two do not, but r more domestraighting the unit can scream with reso but not to much TB carachter, but it can sound like a 303 in some situations and does it quite well!

its quite inexpensif with MAM doing their littel promotional tricks every-where: MAM, FAT & Next, they promote heavily towards DJ's with the name Next..

good luck & let me know if u decide to get one i might follow if it can shine in a TB way.

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Message 8/24             08-Mar-00  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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Praise be to druma! That's better than ordering from germany, and dealing with customs office. Come to think of it, I remember seeing that sampler in electronic musician magazine. And that the next synths WERE the mam synths. Hmmm. Thanks for the link. I'm downloading thos demos right now.

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Message 9/24             04-Apr-00  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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I purchased a Next Superbass 4.4 about a year ago. I had suspected that it was made by one of the other TB clone makers. I believe this model corresponds to the MB33-mk2. I haven't heard the MB33 but I can give some insight on the SB 4.4, but if they are the same thing......
As far as comparison to a TB-303, it does a fairly decent job of cloning the original. Some lines sounded almost identical, other lines sound quite a bit different between the two.
The distortion is nice but can be a bit much at times. I have gotten in to the habit of using a guitar stompbox distortion which gives a bit more control. The sub oscillator is also a nice addition and allows for some interesting layered sounds. Most of the knobs send and recieve midi. My only complaint is the volume knob neither sends nor recieves data. I have used the unit as a controller for rebirth as well as other synths and it works great.
Overall this is a cheap way to get close to the 303 sound.
I have been happy with mine and have very few complaints.

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Message 10/24             05-Apr-00  @  01:40 AM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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The reason the next Superbass does not emulate the 303 exactly is it's 24db filter:a problem with the Bass Station as well. The 303 has an 18db two pole low pass filter. Get a Syntechno teebee.Prodigy uses it for 303 lines. It's on the money 303 and if you need overdrive and want that josh wink devil fish sound just use an analog foot pedal. The teebee has midi to cv as well, and they lowered the price to $350.00 US. By the way. The Next! Superbass is made by Stanton Magnetic. When looking for a clone it should have the same controls and filter design. Check out the new analog monosynth section here on Dancetech and check out the well made Syntechno TeeBee. keep in mind the price has droped considerably since Kilo reviewed it a while bak when introduced.

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