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Subject: Roland sucks

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Original Message 1/42             30-Oct-99  @  03:27 PM   -   Roland sucks


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not saying i believe this totally, but maybe it will bring some attention to this forum..but maybe roland does truly suck ass compared to

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Message 2/42             30-Oct-99  @  03:54 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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I dont `ave any Roland gear but a couple of me mates do and they sound good an` that but why do they make the gear so user-unfriendly? When I was shopping 4 a sampler I was heavily tempted by the S760 but the interface put me right off so I played safe with an EMU. And they REALLY need 2 get someone that can actually speak English propely 2 translate their manuals.

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Message 3/42             30-Oct-99  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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Meesa got a rack Alpha Juno 2... Dark shit coming out of it... Point is: they used to rule, but now they suck, because they dropped all cool technology like analogue, fm (did they ever use that?) and now only have standard pcm and overhyped virtual analog. And their ads (groove approved etc) suck big time too.

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Message 4/42             31-Oct-99  @  10:02 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks


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fully. they seem to want to live in the past, or at least do everything possible not to catch up (maybe)

their new products feel like toys to me, although some do sound pretty good. i feel empathy for anyone who falls prey to their marketing strategy..

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Message 5/42             31-Oct-99  @  11:45 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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yeah - those alpha juno's have some tuff sounds in huh?...

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Message 6/42             31-Oct-99  @  12:04 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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I think they`re jus` cashing in on their (previously) good name. They don`t make any proper samplers anymore do they? Its a shame `cos I`m still in love with the 760. They should really b ashamed of themselves. Juno 106 too.

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Message 7/42             01-Nov-99  @  11:19 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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I think all that cool stuff was prior to them changing to different ownership (Japan?). I mean, different ideas about the company's direction etc. They went all L/A and lost their way.

I've got that MKS-50 too. Very tuff sounds. And it'll cut right through a mix....

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Message 8/42             01-Nov-99  @  12:18 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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What pisses me off though is that, u get these people who r looking 2 get into making some tunes and don`t know a great deal about gear, they c, say, the EG-101, MC303 and think "thats great" especially if they see the Future Music reviews (something dodgy goin` on there, I`m sure) and waste their money on these....well toys. Its not on.

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Message 9/42             01-Nov-99  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks


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It's a bit sad because Roland spends all of this dosh on basically toys, and you rarely ever hear about their hyigh end equipment. The S760's supposed to be a killer machine, but I haven't seen evidence thereof. They also used to do a very high end hard disk recording system, much higher end than these portable toys they are making right now, I think call the D-800 system or something to that effect. But you never hear about it or things like it. You also don't hear about how coniving those bastards are. There's a post a few months old about some editor, or conversion system or something or other for a roland piece, where one guy designed the unit, another guy steals the idea and manufactures knock-offs, Roland markets the knock-offs, the original creator gets wind and informs Roland of the stolen designs, and Roland in no uncertain terms tells the guy to fuck off in no uncertain terms, and threatens him with a lawsuit if he opens his mouth. FUCK ROLAND. Buy old used. Don't support this new blood sucking corporation. Besides, Waldorfs sound better to me anyway.


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Message 10/42             01-Nov-99  @  04:29 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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I think the word is "Babylonians"

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