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Subject: Supernova for Trance

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Original Message 1/47             03-Aug-99  @  06:16 PM   -   Supernova for Trance



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Is the Supernova a good choice for making epic trance (like Lange, Matt Darey, Future Breeze...). Today I have a Yamaha EX5R and would like to complete with something new.

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Message 2/47             04-Aug-99  @  07:25 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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pretty ideal synth for trance i'd say - well, as good as anything out there

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Message 3/47             04-Aug-99  @  07:38 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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From what I've been told, the SN and the Ex-5 work extremely well together. It's definately the next synth that I pick up (I have the Ex-5 already).
Apparently, they compliement each other and where the Ex fails (sometimes quite a bit!), the SN picks up.


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Message 4/47             04-Aug-99  @  09:14 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Buy some old analog synths to get different sounds. You get a TB-303 + MC-202 + Waldorf pulse for the same price. Or you could buy a Nord Modular... they Rock!


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Message 5/47             05-Aug-99  @  04:36 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Yeah - and apples suck and bananas rule.
While the NordModular is an excellent machine, it is by no means comparable to the Supernova. The Supernova has 8 parts with 6 independent effects and a total of 20 * 3 = 60 oscillators. Try this with the modular. Believe me, the Supernova is an excellent machine for trance!

Mickey / NovaStation admin.

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Message 6/47             05-Aug-99  @  07:44 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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I've been seriously considering a Nord Modular for a long while, but time spent with the Supernova changed my mind completely. The Modular is cool for sound design and experimentation, for learning the nooks and crannies of synthesis; but the Supernova is more of a musician's _instrument_ for playing (for me, at least) than the NM.

The best thing Novation could do for themselves would be to get more of these units out on store floors; there's no way to even begin to understand the Supernova's appeal without spending time with an actual instrument.


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Message 7/47             05-Aug-99  @  10:46 AM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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yes Odd, you could... and for the same money you'd get 3 analog monosynths & no effects.... and whilst the 303 & 202 are great little units, who uses a 303 or 202 in trance that much nowadays ?....

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Message 8/47             05-Aug-99  @  04:26 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Good point K.
Iīm tired of people trying to make me buy two old synths instead of one new. They always leave out the fact that you have to get external effects to make them sound okey. And even then you donīt have the same power as a new synth.

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Message 9/47             07-Aug-99  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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Well it all depends on how professional setup you want. Why buy a huge unit with a specific character to its sound (as all synths) while you can buy smaller units with different character instead. Sure you get effects on all parts, but the effects in the supernova isnt pro (in my opinion). OS3 beta 10 is still buggy (distortion sound can be heard when tweeking frequency knob and playing certain programs, fast velo changes lags). The idea about buying old analog syths is that its a cheap way to get different character to the sound. A problem though is the ability to midi it, so maybe thinking again thats not a good buy. Why not go for a minimodular + waldorf pulse + a cheap wavetable box?

Despite all my critisism about the Supernova I love it, but If I had the money today I would buy a Nova or a 8080.

The Modular can deliver some really nasty hard sound that the supernova dont even come close to, but the supernova has a softer smoother sound and is perfect for pads. I did a comparison of then both using "Vanilla" sounds and tweeking the filters. When reaching the full turn of the Supernovas filter knobb it sounded less clear than the modulars full turn. Ok the supernova has more outs 4 balanced) than the modular (2 balanced) and it has more effects (the modular lacks delay and reverb but has the others) but you cant put external sounds through the supernova. And how about... say... a 8 osc synth with 48db fiter? The modular has almost unlimited power. Its a synth for people that want to make sounds that havent been heard yet (who wants to sound like everybodey else?)

"While the NordModular is an excellent machine, it is by no means comparable to the Supernova."

I dont buy that argument sorry...

I have a Supernova, Pulse+, Nord modular, mc-202, tb-303, teebee mk3, juno 106, k2000 and have had some other gear over the years, but no synth even comes close to the power of my lovely modular.

Thats my 11 cents
Happy tweeking all!
// Odd

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Message 10/47             07-Aug-99  @  04:34 PM   -   RE: Supernova for Trance



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"The Supernova has 8 parts with 6 independent effects and a total of 20 * 3 = 60 oscillators. Try this with the modular."

I dont want to be an asshole or anything or make anyone angry but Im just curious...

Wich oscilators do you mean Mickey?
The supernova has 3 Osc / part and has 8 parts.
8 parts * 3 Osc = 24 Osc

One REALLY good thing about the Supernova is that you can fast and easy tweek a usable sound from "vanilla" or "template sound" if you like.

// Odd

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