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Subject: synthesizing drum sounds

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Original Message 1/10             18-Feb-03  @  08:24 PM   -   synthesizing drum sounds



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give me some pointers then you dirty mincers.

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Message 2/10             18-Feb-03  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds


Posts: 2707

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For what kind of drum?


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Message 3/10             18-Feb-03  @  10:24 PM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds



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try sampling yourself:

farts yield terrific source material for D&B bass drums and basslines. try varying amounts of carbonation and lactose to acheive different natural filtering effects and intensities. remember not to wear a good set of undies.

vocal cavity does wonders for all sorts of percussive sounds. you might want to try the carbonation trick here, or possibly even helium. remember to take it small amounts and always let it out when you feel your eyeballs starting to bulge.

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Message 4/10             19-Feb-03  @  12:52 AM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds



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heh heh.

sorry, I probably wasn't very clear - what I mean is that I want to synthesize drum sounds on me synthesizer like. Bassdrum, snare, hats, claps and such devilry.


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Message 5/10             19-Feb-03  @  07:01 PM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds



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alright, don't matter - I've found both my arse and my elbow with this.

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Message 6/10             19-Feb-03  @  11:31 PM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds


Posts: 5701

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d/l xoxos's soft synths and see how he did it? you could emulate that on any decent va (kinda).

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Message 7/10             20-Feb-03  @  02:09 PM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds


Posts: 2707

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For kicks, I don't use the osc much. Turn the resonance up all the way. On the amp envelope, use a very quick attack and release to taste. If you wan t a tight kick, set sustain to 0, if you want some boom, keep the sustain up, again to taste.

Use the amp envelope to manage the ratio of boom to beat using the sustain setting. Use a 0 attack and set decay to match the filter decay.


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Message 8/10             20-Feb-03  @  07:40 PM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds



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cheers for the help, but I think I know what I'm doing now.

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Message 9/10             21-Feb-03  @  11:04 AM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds


Posts: 90

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You need exponential envelopes, well they help. Its just a sine wave + noise and filtering, although if you find a neat way to emulate a titanium snare I'm all ears.

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Message 10/10             25-Feb-03  @  05:14 PM   -   RE: synthesizing drum sounds


Posts: 1309

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I've made decent drums (snare and kick) on my an1x...check my

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