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Subject: WARNING.....

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/10             01-Jan-99  @  06:11 PM   -   WARNING.....



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getting tired of Yo-Mama etc.... you are ALL now being tracked... and i can tell you, it wont be the first time some sad teenage tosser had his mother's IP address & connection closed down BY ME....(WITH NO REFUND!!).....

get with the polite....... and try to appreciate that Novation have the balls to let people actually say in their own public website what their problems & or opinions are... other manufacturers don't have the balls for that, incase a negative opinion maybe spoils the advertising gloss...... so don't abuse it..... if you have a problems.... this is to get you help.... not flame & abuse.... thankyou....

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Message 2/10             08-Jan-99  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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eh ?

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Message 3/10             08-Jan-99  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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What's his problem? To much webmastering obviously..

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Message 4/10             08-Jan-99  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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Whats all this WARNING crap. The only people who visit this site are the customers.
Ive spent £1500 on novation gear and a little support and feedback is not too much to ask.

If your speaking on behalf of Novation, spit it out.

P.s If you do work for Novation, you work for a synth company, not the CIA...

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Message 5/10             11-Jan-99  @  12:04 PM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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Hey I dont know what this is about either...

We welcome discussion!! Don't worry!


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Message 6/10             11-Jan-99  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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No sweat........ it was simply a warning to those who come to post expletives and general vulgar swearing and insults... I just thought you'd prefer a site where there was NOT idiots entering each thread to post insults and vulgar language for no purpose other than to be rude to people.... which YOU have to waste time loading ! .. and they just clog up the database too.

That way hopefully, we can maintain the intergrity of this forum...

Thankyou , Enjoy...

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Message 7/10             11-Jan-99  @  06:23 PM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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He's refering to other parts
of this forum, where a couple of guys are calling
each other "queer" and "twat," etc. The assumption
seems to be that no women or
gay persons write electronic
music or read this forum and, if they did, that
their feelings don't matter.
I, for one, would prefer not
to see this kind of blatant
disregard for others, but I
can't say that it should be

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Message 8/10             11-Jan-99  @  08:30 PM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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I agree but who in the world
is going to nominate itself
moral supreemo..


Please not USA again

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Message 9/10             12-Jan-99  @  02:50 PM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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The only expletives I've seen are from you (so called) WEBMASTER.. So get off your high horse and put your hanbag away.

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Message 10/10             13-Jan-99  @  02:36 AM   -   RE: WARNING.....



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oh for gods sake.... get a life.... who needs all that abuse....

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