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Subject: f u c k novation!

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Original Message 1/12             11-Nov-02  @  09:06 PM   -   f u c k novation!



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okay, so my supernova has taken a dump. it keeps resetting all the time. it will work fine for about half an hour and then will just start resetting over and over and over and over. I would think its the power supply, im going to change the two fuses tonight as a last resort before trying to replace the power supply.
Does anyone know what the specs are for the power supply?
this is why im so pissed: this has been going on for three weeks. Ive emailed novation at just about every address i can find for them and i have not received one reply. What kind of a ing joke is this company? First i thought i had it bad enough with the 2 1/2 year wait to get the OS4, now i can't even get basic customer support. what a ing joke. i will get my SN fixed and i will continue to use it, but i am never buying another novation product again.

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Message 2/12             12-Nov-02  @  11:15 AM   -   RE: f u c k novation!


Posts: 44

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I am very sorry that you are having problems with your Supernova and also with receiving tech support. We usually attend to tech support enqiries very quickly and try and resolve any issues as fast and efficiently as possible.

I do not know why your request has not been replied to at the moment. Please email me directly at Novation together with the copies of the emails you have sent or at very least the mail addresses you have been sending the emails to and also a daytime telephone number that I can reach you on. I can then provide you with the support you need and take action to eliminate any further support delays for other users.

Best regards,

Nick Bookman.

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Message 3/12             12-Nov-02  @  11:51 AM   -   RE: f u c k novation!

Stilla Punter


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Ahhhh! The power of Dancetech!

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Message 4/12             12-Nov-02  @  06:43 PM   -   RE: f u c k novation!



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Needed them to sort a simple problem about a year ago.. they responded the same day and sraightened me out in the first message!

Not that you care, but they're not all bad. I hope Nick takes care of you...


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Message 5/12             12-Nov-02  @  06:57 PM   -   RE: f u c k novation!



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i mailordered adrumstation, when it arrived the LCD screen wasnt working, novation picked up the drumstation and sent me a brand new drumstation V2 when the one i bought was a drumstation v1 (smaller knobs etc)
was very appy!

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Message 6/12             13-Nov-02  @  11:09 PM   -   RE: f u c k novation!



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I needed something for my snii and had another request for Novation too.

Emailed Nick today on the address today.

Not only did he supply me with what I needed. He also told me that what I wanted is in the snailmail. And, he fixed all this within LESS THAN 15 MINUTES from when I sent my email.

Credits to where credit's due. This is excellent service.

Some people should realise what a great asset it is to have somebody like Nick hanging around a place like Dancetech.

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Message 7/12             14-Nov-02  @  12:51 PM   -   RE: f u c k novation!


Posts: 5701

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wow. big up the nick!

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Message 8/12             15-Nov-02  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: f u c k novation!



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that sounds naughty!

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Message 9/12             15-Nov-02  @  02:34 AM     Edit: 15-Nov-02  |  02:40 AM   -   RE: f u c k novation!


Posts: 4573

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why won't it let me type < laff > ? I like that better. It's not a fuckin' tag  


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Message 10/12             15-Nov-02  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: f u c k novation!


Posts: 7627

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now THAT is fucking IMPRESSIVE

props, Nick.

if only the world really worked this way.

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Message 11/12             29-Nov-02  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: f u c k novation!


Posts: 145

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Fuck novation? FUCK YOU PAL! you talkin shit about MY bitch? Where do you live?

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Message 12/12             09-Dec-02  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: f u c k novation!


Posts: 1309

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I'm glad to see Nick's back on DT...this used to be THE novation hangout on the web...

thumbs up from me, nick.

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