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Subject: SNova Crackling

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Aug-99  @  03:36 PM   -   SNova Crackling



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Hi ,
I've just got my SNova and notice a lot of crackling - it does die away when I throttle back on the level controls so I guess its an overloading or distortion - just wondering if anybody else has it.....I've got the latest beta software installed.
(I checked all the obvious stuff already)..



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Message 11/12             09-Sep-99  @  06:09 PM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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turning the filter knobs also changes the freq which can overload the DAC's... same thing happens in a s/w audio mixer, eq the sound harsher, and it boosts and overloads the dac's... that is the price of a modeller i guess the sounds are being created in s/w & circuits to controll it... so at some point the total parts have to sum to an output converter... i find the s'nova if set with parts up in the 100's and then with the main Volume at full when added to a mixer gives a very loud output at max compared to other kit... so it is louder already at full to compensate i guess....

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Message 12/12             10-Sep-99  @  03:52 AM   -   RE: SNova Crackling



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The Part level in program mode adjusts program level before effects.

The overdrive knob does not have much effect at low levels of osc mix because it is not being overdriven. best results are when all oscs are at full level. (Remember above)

Clicks can occur when envs are set to attack times of less than 8 ( Especially ENV1 on basses ) this is cos the env opens so fast...a setting of 8 to the ear is the same as 0.


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