aaa CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP !!! - Synths & synthesis forums
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Original Message                 Date: 07-Sep-99  @  07:29 AM   -   CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP !!!



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I am using Cubase VST for the PC.

I want to upgrade my Supernova from OSv3beta3 to OSv3beta10.

I do not know much at all about importing sysex data. I have never done anything like this before.

I have looked around for a step by step guide on how to do this. Can't find any !!

Does anyone have any documentation on this or general giudlines or even a step by step set of instructions for upgrading my Supernova.

Any help much appreciated !

Thanks folks !


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Message 11/14             10-Sep-99  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP !!!



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File?:  No file

Worked like a charm K. I followed your instructions. They were fine.

One thing though. You have to go and select rather than drag and drop the file. very Small point.

Other than that....superb.
I also imported the new sounds into bank A+B. Some of them kick some mega serious ass.

The Supernova is the overall best synth on the market, by far.

Su Fuckin Perb !!!

I have a Z1 and quite basically, the Supernova kicks it's ASS...!!!!

Love it !!!

Another Techno/hard house track on the way with the updated sounds. :-)


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Message 12/14             10-Sep-99  @  02:23 AM   -   RE: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP !!!



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File?:  No file

There is words missed out in the second line of my above message. I typed the words Filemenu and import midi within those triangular brackets beside the question mark on the keyboard.....They dissapeared...!!

Just so that you understand what I was saying.!



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Message 13/14             10-Sep-99  @  02:24 AM   -   RE: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP !!!



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

There is words missed out in the second line of my above message. I typed the words Filemenu and import midi within those triangular brackets beside the question mark on the keyboard.....They dissapeared...!!

Just so that you understand what I was saying.!



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Message 14/14             10-Sep-99  @  03:47 AM   -   RE: CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP !!!



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

For details on how to get the OS into a supernova just read the README file that comes with the download from our site. Full minstructions are there.


PS Kilo just hates to admit that sometimes PCs are fallible!!!

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