aaa the bassline on Optical/EdRush's "wormhole" - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's "wormhole"

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Original Message 1/17             07-Aug-99  @  08:13 PM   -   optical&ed rush's incredible morphing elastic subs



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that bassline on Ed & Optical's "wormhole"....

first of all i want everybody to appreciate what a beautiful thing that bassline is. they sculpted that shit with tender loving care.

but most importantly, i am about to buy an analogue synth dedicated to making those *exact* same shimmering, morphing sub basslines. i know by looking at the other messages on this board that nuff fools have come along asking endlessly boringly people with "what's good for making any old dance bass line?" (answer: Juno106, TX81Z rarara etc). but that's NOT what i'm asking. i'm saying, what synth makes THAT bass sound.

the Waldorf Pulse+ and the SuperBassStation are the names being thrown at me. but i don't have much experience with analogue synths (i've new to producing), and i need all the info i can get before i spend the little money i have.

a real audio file of the track in question is available here:

if you havn't heard it, i suggest you check that sweet delicious junglist shit asap.

fanks and luv
Fa Shaan / FongSaiYuk

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Message 2/17             07-Aug-99  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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eh, sorry 'bout the typos

fa shaan

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Message 3/17             08-Aug-99  @  01:57 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's


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Man...for you to know EXACTLY what synth made that sound..youd have to ask the producer..sounds like (RA doesnt translate faithfully)it could be ANYTHING. could be a sampler too! sounds like a square/saw combo maybe...Filter CO mod...perhaps LFO to VCA for the crazy vibrato...

'sides...why not just get either the pulse or the super bass station..both dope synths, and make your own bassline, based on the influence of that and other tracks you dig so much? Dont forget the effects...sounds like that has a little chorus or flange on it...distortion or maybe just an overdriven channel...
innovate, dont immitate

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Message 4/17             08-Aug-99  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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Those tweaky ones (like on the track 'wormhole') are made with FM.

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Message 5/17             11-Aug-99  @  06:43 AM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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sounds like a reversed sample of a normal sqaure wave bassline to me... with velocity addressing the filter

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Message 6/17             11-Aug-99  @  06:47 AM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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or perhaps lfo to filter - the thing is mate, like we try to say again and again here, it;s what you DO with the synths that count,, creativity as opposed to buying technology is where it is at so "sculpted with TLC" may infact be simply - "bunged in a reversed loop" !

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Message 7/17             11-Aug-99  @  12:51 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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Out of all the monos ive tried the TEEBEE is the fiercest of all.... you get audio-in too, 2 X midi merge (very usefull as a merge-box costs about 100 UKP anyways... plus it's real analog, has a wicked ring-mod, plus you get 4 gate outs and 4 CV outs to cater for any old analogs too !!... at 350 its a steal... HUGE BASS..... check the ra file above to hear it in action

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Message 8/17             13-Aug-99  @  08:05 AM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's


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Are you selling these or summit?  

I found a good way to get the bass sounds even funkier is to mike up some of those mutlimedia speakers and overdrive em to fuck..

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Message 9/17             13-Aug-99  @  12:40 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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no, but they are such excellent units, now very cheap , excellent value, and they get overlooked so often, when someone posts a 'monsynth' query eveyone comes back saying Pulse, basststion etc...rarely is the TeeBee mentioned... same with SE stuff...

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Message 10/17             18-Aug-99  @  05:29 AM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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Okay, well I can't tell you what Optical used to make that particular sound but I do know the following about his studio:
Access Virus
E4 Sampler

He also often uses desk distortion (set the channel gain really high and the fader really low)

He's been in the game for a while so don't be downhearted if you can't get that quality of sound right away. Remember that Optical, Bad Company, and RAM are the top players in that field so you're comparing your efforts to some pretty heavy duty benchmarks.

Hang in there.

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Message 11/17             18-Aug-99  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's

"hieroglyphics" at bath university. check it.


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pshhsh.. Bad Company??
very very average shit. top playas? cmon, artists like Krust, Die and Dillinja make them look plain silly. i'm aiming waaay higher than them bad company fools, man, trust me.

anyways, yeh i got the Metalheadz video too (waste of money) so i also noticed that shit sitting around their studio. optical mentioned he uses the Z1 mainly for his strings.

my point was a little misconstrued and understandbly, since i didn't explain myself as well as i could have. what i really wanted to know was what synth can produce that kind of *resonance* and *filtering* to deep bass sounds. that shit is in no way a square wave put thru a sampler. the resonant filters are way too complex and subtle in the sound and character. so it's probably the Virus.

also, don't get me wrong. i dont look to Optical as much of an inspiration, apart from the b-line on that particular track. im just not interested in that tired-ass dark sound. my shit is far more soulful, but with a rudeboy energy too. i can FREAK shit with basslines. but eventually you have to accept that the filters on my AkaiS2000 are simply not able to produce the twisted multi layred sound i am looking for, and the bass on my YamahaSW1000 onboard synth is weak as f*ck.

so im about to buy a Proteus 2000 for the more organic sounds and a Pulse+ for the bass and bleeps. i read that the Pulse has a filter that can turn a deep subbass into a bird tweet.   ... now that's what im talking about.

thanks to all those who responded. any further suggestions will of course be appreciated.

big luv
Idaan - Fa Shaan

btw... I heard the SuperBassStation was kinda weak on sub bass. Is this true? An emulated 303 sound is of absolutely zero interest to me.

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Message 12/17             19-Aug-99  @  03:53 AM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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BassStation dropbass kick ass!!

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Message 13/17             19-Aug-99  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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Bad Company v Krust, Die etc. well, it all depends what you're into. Krust, Die and Dillinja don't cut it for me.

I haven't seen the Metalheadz video, the bulk of that info comes from various interviews that I've seen/read, the Virus bit comes from someone that knows Optical.

Pulse+ has a good reputation, note that it's LPF only though which may be limiting depending on what you try to do with it. What about a Sherman?


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Message 14/17             19-Aug-99  @  03:20 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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y'know the wierd thing is, when i listen to that track (above - wormhole) i know ive heard that synthbefore.. that sound, but i'm fucked if i can put my finger on which it is... sorry... by the way.... besides Krust, anyone heard DJ Krusty with a 'Y' ? (might be spelled 'Crusty' with a 'C'... my mate played me some stuff of his last night... awesome... beautiful stuff

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Message 15/17             20-Aug-99  @  03:17 AM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's


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haven't I seen that name ,with a "C"
in one of the posts recently?

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Message 16/17             20-Aug-99  @  02:09 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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hmm, it sounds more like a lawnmower set on high speed with the blades spinnin' and whackin some grass. this will provide a bit of a weird texture on top. or maybe you can sample your norelco shaver.

loop that bitch, blend in a little distorted sync'ed bass patch from the bassSTation, stick a sine subBass underneath, run the whole shebang thru a lowpass filter with a bit of resonance, turn the bass up, and knock 'em dead.


speaking of weird sounds, y'all need to check out a particular track on armand van helden's new CD, it uses a freakin' manual saw cuttin' thru wood as it's main lead. that's some fucked up shit!


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Message 17/17             23-Aug-99  @  01:06 PM   -   RE: the bassline on Optical/EdRush's



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aight... I been spending the past week in Turnkey comparing analogue synths. SuperBassStation (blurgh), Nova, Pulse, Virus (blurgh), NordModularRack, etc.

By the end of next week, my studio will be made up of the following sound sources & processors:

Waldorf Pulse.
Proteus 2000.
Sherman Filter Bank.
Lexicon MPX100.

(software, mixer and moniter shit excluded. I already own the Akai)

Im primarily trying to create sophisticated, warm, soulful but jump up jungle. If any of you think I am about to make a mistake with my money, please please tell me.

Fa Shaan

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