aaa Is this possible with a NOVA? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Is this possible with a NOVA?

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Original Message 1/2             01-Sep-99  @  01:01 AM   -   Is this possible with a NOVA?



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Still waiting for my Nova, which gives plenty of time for thought (and research... this will be the first synth I've ever had that I almost completely know how to use before I even have laid hands on it). I was thinking how great it would be to have the Nova's sweet filters and snappy envelopes in my Kurzweil K2500, not to mention the effects...

...considering the Nova's inputs, could I set up the K2500 to play a raw sample, then run it through the Nova set on the same MIDI channel (through the K2500's MIDI thru port)? The specs for the input say it goes through the filter and effects, but can I trigger the envelopes and LFO's also like a regular patch using the onboard oscillators (I figure the vocoder is disabled when you use the inputs in this manner)? This would essentially use a sample as your signal source instead of the oscillator matrix. I'm gonna wet myself if someone says you can do this... I just wish there were more demos available of the inputs and what they can do (especially the vocoder)

Mainly I want to use the filters and shit on the Symphony of Voices CD-ROM collection for the K2500. It has perfect vocal samples, but I'm tired of the Kurzweil's super-digital-sounding filters. Has anyone tried what I've described with a Nova and does it work?

I suppose I could figure this out myself in a day or two when I finally get the damn thing, but who can wait that long for knowledge? :} Peace...


p.s.- after thinking a little more, I realize that I have no way to isolate each triggered sample from the K2500, so this method wouldn't be great for weird leads and the such. I'm thinking more pads and one-note special effects....

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Message 2/2             03-Sep-99  @  04:19 AM   -   RE: Is this possible with a NOVA?


Posts: 14

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The answer is simply YES - you can do it !

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