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Subject: Nice & Warm

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Original Message 1/2             01-Nov-01  @  10:21 PM   -   Nice & Warm


Posts: 35

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Seeing as there hasnt been a post here in several days, I feel the need to make an insignificant post on the novation forum.

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Message 2/2             01-Nov-01  @  10:34 PM   -   RE: Nice & Warm


Posts: 35

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File?:  No file

Last nite I was going nuts with 1/4in cables (routing the nova to all sorts of stuff) and I stumbled on a way to get some really, really, warm, full bass. Take one of the outputs and run it into a Tube mic preamp (I just used the cheap Art TubeMP). Let the tube warm up and then run a osc raw wave into it (bypass the filter & effects). overdrive the tube. Then run that output into a filter of some sort (i used a filter factory, but you could just run it back into the nova). Now the oscs rip with fatness. I have found that using a simple saw wave sounds damn good for that buzzy fuzzy bass sound.
Also, if you dont have a micpre, try using stompboxes or other stuff to screw up osc waveforms BEFORE they are filtered. The more harmonic content you have to filter out the greater the sonic possiblities.

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