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Subject: Trident-MTA 80B EQ

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Original Message 1/2             05-Sep-04  @  06:25 PM   -   Trident-MTA 80B EQ      [Link: Trident - Series 80B]



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I need to make a decision between a P2 or a Trident-MTA
80B EQ, for my studio I need good preamp and nice eq.

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Message 2/2             11-Sep-04  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: Trident-MTA 80B EQ


Posts: 2003

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Well, the P2 looks to be a bit cheaper, and really, either one is probably going to sound quite nice. At this point, I'd have to say it's really up to your ears, your budget and your preferences in how you like to work. The only Trident stuff I'm familiar with is their channel strip, with the preamp/EQ, sends, output to mains, etc.. Is the 80B a rack unit? If not, then I suspect the P2 will just be a LOT less hassle to implement, and integrate into whatever system you are using. Practicality is a factor in studios where folks are paying by the hour or the day. There are certainly others with far more experience in mic pres than myself, but it seems like the P2 would probably be the lower cost, and more exciting tool of the two to use. The Trident will just sound...well...awesome, but I suspect the P2 will allow you to play around a bit more. This is also more opportunity to screw things up, so keep it in mind. You might to try to find a studio that has one or the other, tell them you have your own studio and are possibly interested in purchasing one and ask them if they have time between sessions to possibly let one of the engineers or interns show you what they do. They might be too busy, or they might just relish the opportunity. Frankly, most studio wizards I know thoroughly enjoy getting the opportunity to share and explain their tools to another who might understand what it is they are talking about, because in the great big world out there, there really aren't that many folks who do; even in the music business itself!



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