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Subject: Sequencer problems

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Original Message 1/2             19-May-98  @  10:26 PM   -   Sequencer problems



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I am having probelms with my tb303. Synthesizer works but the sequencer only plays C notes...I have tried programming it in both modes to no avail. I have owned this box for quite some time and haven't seen behavior like this before. Any ideas???

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Message 2/2             20-May-98  @  06:28 AM   -   RE: Sequencer problems

Looney freaks


Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

Well it seems you might need to get the thing looked at..If you email me I can give you a name and # of a company that fixes TB303 pretty cheap...I would post it now but I need to look for it..I got the # out of the back of Keyboard Mag.. some Analog repair place...Check it out...You must get this taken care of due to the TB303 is like a young child waiting to screammmmmmmmmmm (ACID)

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