aaa DIY TB-303, is it possible? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: DIY TB-303, is it possible?

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/2             11-Apr-98  @  05:29 PM   -   DIY TB-303, is it possible?



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Hello, im just starting into electronics, and reading about basic electronics theory. I plan to one day build my own analogue synth, but i was hoping that it wasa possible
to build a tb-303. maybe it isnt possible, i have the schematics to it, but being new to
electronics, i have no idea whether its possible to build or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Post or email me at thanks

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Message 2/2             13-Apr-98  @  12:23 AM   -   RE: DIY TB-303, is it possible?



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I'm sure it's doable, but for the parts and labor it would take you, you're probably better off just buying clones by people who've done just that, like the TBS-303 and such, where the exact parts that can be found are used: some parts aren't made anymore though. But if you've got a lot of
time and the know how and wanna give it a try, might as well, because you'll also be able to add
whatever you want to the 303 internally

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