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Subject: On/off switch

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Jul-98  @  01:14 PM   -   On/off switch



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Why the h*ll isn't there an on/off switch on the drumstation ????


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Message 11/30             21-Jul-98  @  06:36 PM   -   RE: On/off switch



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Hey Kilo!!

Do you find headphones handy on a drum machine though?


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Message 12/30             22-Jul-98  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: On/off switch



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As per Kilo, I have all my gear on one mains switch - I could never be bothered to turn everything on and off individually. I never used the headphone socket on the Drum/Bass station except when I was trying it out in the music shop.


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Message 13/30             22-Jul-98  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: On/off switch



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I to have this big switch in my studio that switches everything On and Off. I don't really switch things on and off individually.

Interesting about the only time you guy's ever used the Headphone was in the shop. If there was no headphone socket would it have stopped you from buying it?

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Message 14/30             23-Jul-98  @  11:37 AM   -   RE: On/off switch



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If there wasn't a headphone socket, I'm sure the shop would have hooked it up to a mixer - many shops already have racks of demo gear hooked up to a single mixer anyhow. Surely shops will always find a way for customers to try out new products?


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Message 15/30             28-Jul-98  @  10:05 AM   -   RE: On/off switch


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It is strange, but just put your adapter in a box with a switch, it'll work.

And indeed why a headphone socket...probably to take it with you in a train with a battery packed aggregate  

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Message 16/30             05-Aug-98  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: On/off switch



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WELL.... i always think a headphone socket is a very useful thing... after all, there are lots of times when i dont want to have to lug a monitor setup about.....

you can take a bit of kit out of the syudio at any time, into the living room, or bed, and just sit there and learn it, create patches, etc etc....

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Message 17/30             12-Aug-98  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: On/off switch



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Its not uncommon for Novation gear to crash (drumstation, superbassstation). It needs a power button cos it needs resetting often. Its seems like the kit gets easily confussed when overwhelmed with MIDI signals.

Im not knocking the gear because my Super Bass Station is brilliant, best bit ok kit..... its great.

Please put a power switch on
(im going to have to cut into the power cable and put one on...)

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Message 18/30             14-Aug-98  @  12:22 PM   -   RE: On/off switch



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I've never had any novation gear crash on me! Sometimes the drumstation PSU glitches when I switch on my bank of UV lights, but i've never had a software crash. I talked to some ppl about on/off switches, and it seems to come down to personal taste - I'd never use one (I switch everything from one main mains socket), but some ppl liked going round powering up each box individually.


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Message 19/30             29-Aug-98  @  04:05 PM   -   RE: On/off switch



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my only serious problem is that I sometimes need to plug in the instrument several times before it works properly, either I get no output at all or some insturments are distorted, this could be my power supply, but still, some of us are still building our gear and have stuff strung up all over the room in every available outlet, the one switch for all theory doesn't work for us. I've got probably 20 pieces of gear, and they are on 5 different power strips in 4 different outlets. On top of this no seems to be able to tell me why my din sync doesn't work right. Oh well, despite these problems, I always forget about them as soon as I listen to the sounds comin out. It's the center of all my tracks. One more suggestion for future incarnations, you could open up the controllers a bit and take them beyond the realms or realistic use for more creative tweaking.

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Message 20/30             07-Sep-98  @  01:04 PM   -   RE: On/off switch



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Really PHIL, get a live.

You're not trying to help just kiss ass.
And it is the thing you do best....

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