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Subject: SuperNova Patches

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Oct-99  @  02:42 PM   -   SuperNova Patches



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A few thoughts on the patches in v3.1

1) How come that 'Worry Free' appears twice in Performance bank A ?

2) I've never seen a decent Flute patch for the Supernova. Has anyone tried to create one ( I've tried myself by mixing sine waves with a little noise, but they always sound like a wheezy organ)

3) Has anyone managed to create that Venga Boys lead sound? ("up & down, up & down"....). I think it needs 2 oscillators tuned a 4th apart.

Just a few thoughts anyway!


Paul Kaufman

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Message 11/22             08-Nov-99  @  11:28 AM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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Yamaha cs 6x is out now and it si super to play on i use it for choirs/acc drums/and others it have same sounds as ex 5(AWM 2 only)and 2 plg.Waldorf Q is more like a modular synth with filter FM and Osc FM and STep sequencer but not finish and with supernova i use the cs 6x as keyboard because it have 4 zones masterkeyboard.I play synthesizermusic like jean michel jarre,kitaro,vangelis and jan hammer.

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Message 12/22             08-Nov-99  @  01:11 PM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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Sounds good. Do you have any examples of your work ?

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Message 13/22             08-Nov-99  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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Not yt because my computer is not fast only p 150 but i whant to have a p III 600 with firewire so i can cnnect CS 6x mlan.I just finish Rendevous 4 and telstar on my 3 synthesizer...
And i love Modern talking music

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Message 14/22             11-Nov-99  @  07:50 AM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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plz mail me patches with Techno/trance pads. thx

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Message 15/22             14-Nov-99  @  10:40 AM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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Hi all!

How is the CS6X in comparison to its little brothers (CS1X and CS2X)? Is it suitable to do "that" kind of music? (I am also into the Jarre, TD and Vangelis style).

BTW, has any of you achieved a patch similar to the astounding bass sound in Oxygene 1 in 4:26? I have been trying to get it but I don't figure how to do it.


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Message 16/22             15-Nov-99  @  12:34 PM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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yamaha cs 6x is more like a ex 5,it have same amw 2 and efx.yes a use it for jarre music because it have choirs sounds and i use acc drums(but also whant to use simmons sds 5).the are demos on

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Message 17/22             10-Dec-99  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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Back to flute sounds:

I would guess _square_ waves on the SN; start with one osc, then add another or two. Work carefully with the Soften parameter for the Noise source, to get it to sound right. Also use Soften and Wide on the square waves to make them less resonant/3rd-harmonic sounding.

Better late than never.  


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Message 18/22             10-Dec-99  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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You could try adding a little noise at the begining to simulate breath noise, use a fast envelope routed to the mix level of noise to acheive this.

You won't get a very realistic flute noise from an analog synth, as Phil said you need an S+S synth or sampler. Alternatively the physical modelling synths will do very convincing flute sounds, B17 on the Korg Prophecy is very convincing.

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Message 19/22             10-Dec-99  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: SuperNova Patches



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who'as going to give us an mpeg example then to try to emulate - i want to try to get that fat filtered synth sdtab sound on that 'Barbers Adaggio' remix - anyone know that one ?..

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Message 20/22             13-Dec-99  @  01:08 PM   -   Nova patch



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I just got my nova a few days ago, I really love it but I haven't really learned to program it yet. I'm trying to find a way to make that classic detuned trance-driver sound but I don't know where to begin. Can anyone help me out with this one?

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