aaa What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Mar-00  @  03:55 AM   -   What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII? How is the 303 emulation? Is the distortion good? How stable is it, case and tuning wise? Are the pots nice? Do they stick? Or, do they take a while to send midi data? Would this be a good controller for software (knob wise)? How good is the input? Is there lot's of noise coming out of the unit? How much does it weigh, in kgs (shipping purposes)? Thanks.

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Message 21/24             14-Apr-00  @  09:42 AM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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I got my SB 4.4 from Pro Sound/ Stage Lighting. I got a better deal on it because they had some "technical diffuculties" with my order. I paid 300 + shipping. I had two bad experiences from Pro Sound. The first occured when I ordered a Novation SuperBass Station from them. What they sent me was a used BassStation with the warranty card filled out by someone else. After I tried to return it they said I paid less than what I did. After 4 months and a call from my lawyer, the situation got resolved. I don't think Prosound is a bad company, but they didn't handle my orders very well.....Maybe they just don't like me?

I love my SB 4.4 but I also have my eyes on the Syntechno TeeBee. There is a U.S. distributor in CA now. Check out, they are selling the TeeBee for 425 +shipping. Good price for a professional piece of gear. E-mail Nathan at jupiter sound, he will give you the info.

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Message 22/24             16-Apr-00  @  09:22 AM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII

JT Static


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Ok, got my MB33 MKII on friday. I have to say that it does VERY good 303 plus a couple of different sounding bass lines too. On the downside it is quite noisy sometimes (in the mix it doesn't matter that much). Like stated earlier on this topic the resonance was set way too high (it was set at max setting at default) so I adjusted it in middle position and it still sings like a bird =) btw the sub osc is just an 1 oct lower pulse wave that you can mix with the master saw/pulse wave so it's nothing too great(I was hoping to at least select between saw/pulse), still it is nice to have for extra sounds. Once you get used to the controls you can actually get some 303 sounding patterns with this machine. There is an autoslide option so you can get it slide like old 303 without having to play with midi controls .. just play one note over another and it automatically slides to it. Well that's enough about it check out the demos I made - check the link above.

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Message 23/24             16-Apr-00  @  12:35 PM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII



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Great sounding demos! Where did you buy your mb33 mkII, and what did it cost?

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Message 24/24             16-Apr-00  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: What do you think of the MAM MB33 MkII

JT Static


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I bought it from germany (I live in europe so it was the natural choice). I believe it was about 300 USD + shipping (about 20 USD) these are not excact prices since the price was paid in DM and I don't know the correct translation tables for these currencies. If you live in US it's naturally best option to select the SB4.4 since it's the same product (although from different company). I don't even know if they sell the MB33 in the US?

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