aaa I donīt understand the Multimode - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: I donīt understand the Multimode

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Original Message 1/3             17-Jul-00  @  03:40 AM   -   I donīt understand the Multimode



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Hello, I hope you can explain the multimode to me in a few sentences...
If I edit the parts in the Multimode (maybe some more cutoff etc) and want to store the Multi-Patch, the VirusB says:
There are some patches edited....
Does he store the Multipatch ?
Will the single patches be overwritten by the new settings ?
I dont want to overwrite the single-patches, but to store them to another place ...
With a supernova or a jv 2080 its very easy, because this synthies offer me to select a new place for the edited single patches !
How can I make it with the virusb ?

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Message 2/3             17-Jul-00  @  08:11 AM   -   RE: I donīt understand the Multimode



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When editing sounds in a multi, use multi-single mode (press multi and single at the same time to enter that mode). When you are finsihed making changes, hit store, and change to a new slot. By saving your singles that way, your multi will automatically be updated.

The multis aren't like a seperate group of patches, they are just a means of organizing what's already in the singles bank. You can't have a sound exist in a multi and not in a single...

Does that help? I'm not too clear this morning :-(


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Message 3/3             09-Jun-01  @  04:39 PM   -   RE: I donīt understand the Multimode


Posts: 14

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You also can se if your sound is in Buffer memory
becuse it have "e" letter only when you turn og the power the edit go away..the same thing is in the "shift" and compere
you can lestien to the orginale sound and compere
it before you save it..(very nice) or shift Recall
to go back to with no changes....

and if you press "hift" and utiliy and turn the wheel you can save the multiedits at ones.
with all the edit sounds and everyu thing or go steps instrumt or part of the edit..

take a look at some multi trakcs mades!!.mp3


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