aaa Roland_MC-505 sequencer latency - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Roland_MC-505 sequencer latency

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/3             23-May-02  @  02:36 PM   -   Roland_MC-505 arpeggiator latency



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I am getting a huge latency gap when I control my mc-505 arp with any of several keyboards, but only while the its playing a pattern....when stopped the arp works ok.
Is this due to the old OS, or is it a horrible fault of the machine that I wish I'd spotted before I bought-it!? Har, rhyme.
Is it possible to have the arpeggiator re-trigger
with every key pressed?

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Message 2/3             23-May-02  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: Roland_MC-505 sequencer latency



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latency is one of the issues with all roland groove gear. Even the on board knob don't pick up unitl you cross a certain point.

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Message 3/3             24-May-02  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: Roland_MC-505 sequencer latency


Posts: 1309

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yep the knobs on my groovbox have a horrible resolution it seems. Tweaking is limited to 20 or so postitions.

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