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Subject: Roland sucks

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Oct-99  @  03:27 PM   -   Roland sucks


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not saying i believe this totally, but maybe it will bring some attention to this forum..but maybe roland does truly suck ass compared to

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Message 21/42             23-Dec-99  @  12:17 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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Not to keep reiterating the same thing...but Roland sucks my ass these days. Try walking in a studio with an MC-shit box, or DR-fuck head and see where it gets you. One set of outputs on a plastic box and it supposedly does it all. My ass. Get some quality shit piece by piece rather than blowin the wad on some all-in-one shit box. I got an FR-777, that's quality, I got a Virus, that's quality, I got a Jomox X Base, that's quality. I had the JP-8000 and played with the all the other toys but they are just big piles of cheap plastic and crappy knobs. The DR-202 is huge and hollow, how's that for a piece of crap. I do not forsee Roland making anything quality in the near future. As long as there are kids that need something cheap Roland will be in business. It is just sad that the kids that actually enjoy making music are stuck trying to sell there shitty shit box a month later.


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Message 22/42             23-Dec-99  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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well, that's 'marketing' for ya !! - and as the world moves to even more rediculous levels of capitalism, share-value targets rule all - no-ones interested anymore to make a quality product or company - it's all quick money and profit rules... i mean c'mon... the people who rule that world reckon 200 million unemployed Chinese is 'UNAVOIDABLE' and a price WOTH PAYING if China is to 'modernise' and enter world capital/labour markets fully... 200 million unemployed Chinese !!! - there goes the 100 year plan !!

well anyways - you have to know it fully that 20 years ago they were having the SAME conversations about the USA & Europe too !! - so if Roland have found a new bigger market in a sorta techno-variation to home-organs - well i guess the shareholders will have their say...

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Message 23/42             23-Dec-99  @  11:25 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks


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come on...NO ONE is interested in making quality or products? there have to be some

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Message 24/42             25-Dec-99  @  04:59 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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Roland is Roland there always make neat stuff. The MC series are just tools to make music. The People who sells them are just people who found there not what the wanted or they need money or they felt that its not enough. Its also because some people see others like you say it sux or its not good they are going to find this out or people who bought these and finding them selfs wanting more simply because they are not happy with what they got the gotta have more. I understand Im like this. But you cant say that these tools are lame its your opinion like I say. If you bought one of the MC series or the JX 305 and you like it then thats fine but dont drop them at some ones door step simply cus some said somthing about them. Be Happy with what you get if you cant then move on thats all I can say. The MC series delivers many options and sounds and is very quality with the drum sounds and sequencer at least. The Jp 8000 is says Roland all over it. The sounds your going to get is Roalnd sound if you like this sound buy it if you dont dont buy it if you want more get somthing else. Like I said leave Roland alone let people buy what they like. If you think Roland is lame then more power 2 U. Many people hate the Fizmo well as for the Fizmo I heard this thing in life and its neat to me but from all the fears of it braking down on you I may stay away from it.


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Message 25/42             25-Dec-99  @  01:37 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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Jason - you`re missing the point mate, the list price of the 505 untill recently was £950!!!! U could get an atari, rack sampler and a synth 4 that money. Roland r fleecing people who want 2 get into music but don`t know the coup yet. If they charged £150 4 it, then that`d b OK - noone expects quality and flexibilty at that price, so as it stands, they`re just making out of their previous achievments. U gotta understand, these things r only one step above "home keyboards" in use.

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Message 26/42             26-Dec-99  @  11:58 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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At least its not that much more from out dated pricy TB 303,Juno's,jupiters,moogs,oberheim etc. But yes your right the price is steep but you know people are buying out dated gear back when braking down analog for the same money if not more. Give me a break. I think most of you dont like to spend big money on stuff. well well well isnt that news I know nobody who likes to spemd big on anything including my self but thats life deal with it. later

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Message 27/42             28-Dec-99  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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i was talking about large shareholder owned companies

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Message 28/42             03-Jan-00  @  09:06 AM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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Ok, Roland used to have cool gear and now they suck but if you take a look at the MC505 features how can you say it is only a toy?
I would like to write much more but i rather make music ;-)

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Message 29/42             04-Jan-00  @  01:55 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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Um, the JP-8000 and (especially) the JP-8080 are very cool synths. They're definitely not overpriced "grooveboxes", and are well worth the money. And these are made today, so Roland doesn't completley suck. (Oh, and they make some cool guitar synth equipment too.)

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Message 30/42             04-Jan-00  @  08:23 PM   -   RE: Roland sucks



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of course not... but they have definately found a market highly visible in the dance music arena, and it is that one that draws criticism here, personally i think they do some great stuff, just like say Korg comes up with some gems or yamaha... each sucks and doesnt with a range of products,... but also there is yamaha in that home-music market too.. but, roland are like the Nike of the synthworld , there LOGO is synonymous with a certain chic.. heh heh - - the jp?.. i'd love one thanx !! - or the 8000 or a jd800 etc... plus they do other kit like fx, pedals, h/d units, they do a nice 24 track rack system etc.., portastudio's ..wicked basses !! , big corp Roland.. heh heh ..although they dont do motorbikes or tractors as far as i know tho :-)

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