aaa Nord Modular Keyboards $995US - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Nord Modular Keyboards $995US

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Original Message 1/4             04-Apr-03  @  08:07 PM   -   Nord Modular Keyboards $995US


Posts: 2707

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I just picked up a Nord Modular Keyboard for $995 at

If any of you are searching for good deals on the remaining first generation modulars Nova Musik's got 'em!


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Message 2/4             08-May-03  @  08:45 PM   -   RE: Nord Modular Keyboards $995US


Posts: 1309

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Soon they'll hit that price tag here too...nice nice...i might just spend some cash on that...if my gf will let me...   Will it do anything a nordlead does btw?

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Message 3/4             09-May-03  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: Nord Modular Keyboards $995US


Posts: 2707

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Pretty much everything, if you can be bothered to plug the Nord's architecture into the thing. It does sound like a Nord, moreso than the Lead III sounds like a Lead I.


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Message 4/4             09-May-03  @  09:41 PM   -   RE: Nord Modular Keyboards $995US


Posts: 1309

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I heard it does the 1 and 2 pretty well...but will it also get near the 3?

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