aaa TB-303 needs repair - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: TB-303 needs repair

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Original Message 1/4             22-Jun-02  @  06:42 PM   -   TB-303 needs repair


Posts: 2

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Hi fellow friends of 303. Well, to get right to the point, My TB-303 is not doing well at all today, so I'm in need of knowledge or a 'connection' on how to repair it. Basically, my 303 has played perfectly for years making music with it, but now after leaving it unused for a few months I've just powered it up to discover the resonance(!) is almost completely gone dead. Details; At best, knob and TM3 settings can be made to create a pseudo resonant sound, but mostly it's just an awefully dirty, scratchy weezing sound. It's pathetic. The resonance pot does not change the tone significantly any more and there's no squelch left, essentially no resonance can be heard. Other pots and functions all normal.

WTF? Help appreciated, thanx.


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Message 2/4             23-Jun-02  @  11:01 AM   -   RE: TB-303 needs repair


Posts: 2082

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Sorry to hear that man... if you were in my area I could have hooked you up, but you're not.

good luck,


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Message 3/4             23-Jun-02  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: TB-303 needs repair



Link?:  No link

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you didnt leave it with batteries in did you and they leaked?

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Message 4/4             23-Jun-02  @  08:14 PM   -   RE: TB-303 needs repair


Posts: 2

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File?:  No file

Netherlands far indeed for this repair, but thanx. Alas, I have the answer to my problem and (BTW) it's a lesser offender, thankfully, than battery corrosion is. Recalled having put oil in the very resonance pot (being a curious monkey) just before I took hiatus. Must have caused the problem. Live & learn! Well, stupid that I did that, but fortunately I happen to have a spare resonance pot which I had sourced from Roland just for such an accident. Brand new pot will be nice anyway.

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