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Subject: Factory Ruin

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Original Message 1/4             03-Jan-00  @  10:00 AM   -   Factory Ruin



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Since going to V3.00 the preset Factory Ruin has changed significantly and I can't seem to get a sound quite like the original. A copy in the D bank changed in the same way as the original A bank sound so I assume it must be a fundamental change in the o/s. Any ideas?

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Message 2/4             03-Jan-00  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: Factory Ruin



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speaking of ruin Phill, man, sort out that packaging. Don't know if it is standard but me Nova arrived (US) in a dodgy box, ergo, long cardboard folded over w/foam...called the dealer and the geezer said 'It comes like that'. Anyhow, scratches, yes, on the top of the unit..minute, but disapointing. Can ya package better?



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Message 3/4             04-Jan-00  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: Factory Ruin



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The packaging has been greatly improved and all units shipping now are very well packaged.

There were some changes made in the OS that can alter some older pre V3 sounds.

Reverb is one...there was only one type before now there are 16 and the phase of some LFO's start in different polarities...

should be easy enough to sort...

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Message 4/4             04-Jan-00  @  06:42 AM   -   RE: Factory Ruin



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I can agree that the Nova is well packaged. the box is almost big enough for three or four novas ;)

Hey Phill, I would love if it were added more characters to the text-title of program and performances? like german and scandinavian ones, like åäöü.. Just a small issue but it would be great for the feeling of the synth  

Just think about naming a sound überheim ;)

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