aaa Make me a DSP-Host - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Make me a DSP-Host

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Original Message 1/4             12-Jan-99  @  12:03 PM   -   Make me a DSP-Host



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Even though your main business is synthesizers this job maybe could be done by you: Why don't you develop a DSP-Host for native DirectX-Plugins? In my opinion this ain't no big deal: Just put some custom-DSPs (e.g. Analog Devices SHARC) on a PCI-Board and sell it! And there is no competition 'cause all other DSP-Hosts are proprietary solutions. (Well, I have to admit that I don't know if it is actually possible to compute DirectX-Plugins on a different processor than the main CPU). What I would like to have is a PCI-Card with no I/Os and nothing but the power to compute my plugins.

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Message 2/4             14-Jan-99  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: Make me a DSP-Host



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ok ok ok ... I understand ...

Seems that I am the only one who could use such a thing...

Maybe I'll buy a faster CPU for my PC :-)

(but you have to admit that the idea by itself is not too bad)

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Message 3/4             20-Jan-99  @  11:58 AM   -   RE: Make me a DSP-Host



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Thanks for the feedback!


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Message 4/4             23-Jan-99  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: Make me a DSP-Host



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that should be possible.... when NT5 is here theoretically, if u use a multi-processor machine, the plugs if fired up should create a new thread for the second processor.... so why not on a dsp chip??

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