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Subject: Synth DIY mailing list

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Original Message 1/5             08-Apr-00  @  09:14 PM   -   Synth DIY mailing list


Posts: 9

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Hey Trev! What happened to the synth diy mailing list?? Didn't get any message for the last three weeks.

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Message 2/5             09-Apr-00  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: Synth DIY mailing list



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Hey! I did not know you were on the synth diy list too!!
Nice one!

I still get messages from the list. But the server address changed. You may find that you have to join up again - a long list of members were rejected for some strange reason once I think. I still get email anyway.

Cheerz, Trev

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Message 3/5             10-Apr-00  @  03:19 PM   -   RE: Synth DIY mailing list


Posts: 9

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Yeah I guess I was kicked out of the list. Don't know why.
I got the information that the server address has changed. And I still got messages after that. But then suddenly I didn't recieve messages from one day to another. You're right: I just gonna join the list again and see what happens.
Anyways, I had problems with the list even in the time when I recieved messages. I found that my replies didn't appear in the list very often. I remember that there were some questions of you about the TR-909. I replied to all of them but then it seemed that my replies have been lost somewhere.

I working on a kind of 909 clone too. Moreover it'll be a 19" Bass Drum module featuring 808 and 909 Bass Drums with tons of mods and lots of additional features like overdrive and filter. My intention is to build a bass drum unit which can produce kicks for every kind of track and situation. From totally overdriven and pitched down to 30 Hz 909-Rotterdam gabber over stomping detroit to ten second decay 808 boom. I've finished 50% of the circuits and PCB's but my damn EE-studies always keep me from finishing it. That's about it.

P.S. I've wondered too why Roland used the 2SD1469 in some cases. It's a 0.6W transistor. If you're not able to find it search for the 2SD1225 which is a replacement for it. Or just use BC338, BC635, BC637 or whatever. But the question is: Will a standard 0.3W transistor blow?? I don't think so cause currents shouldn't be very high in this configuration. Any ideas?

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Message 4/5             10-Apr-00  @  04:25 PM   -   RE: Synth DIY mailing list


Posts: 3

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Ah! Me and some other guy on the list were scratching our heads about that transistor. We wondered if it was something to do with it's switching time or something. Someone else on the list who built the snare drum circuit found that it lost a bit of its high end when he substituted the 2sd1469 for something a little more ordinary.

Hey, I have your email address so we can carry on nattering about this stuff off this list! It is well interesting knowing that you're doing a 909 type clone too! Excellent.

Yeah, my EE studies are keeping me from finishing mine as well. Funny that... I am in the process of finishing my dissertation right now (well, erm, not this very moment ;-) ) and I have not had a chance to design the second pcb for my 909 clone. I've had the first board done: a rather crammed board that fits two tom drums, bassdrum and snare drum + noise circuits into one 150 x 200mm double sided, pht board!

I am trying to get the second board finished that contains the EPROM based circuits and handclap / rimshot / hitom. I can't wait to get it finished. These pcbs will be a lovely job. But I fear that it could be a very long time before I have them working; since I will be finishing my course soon and might end up with even less time on my hands if I end up working straight away!

My regret is that I never prototyped any of these circuits, and they are not modified in any way. Reading what you just said made me realise that I should really modify the hell out of it and make it a right killer. Well, if you have any decent mods for the 909 circuits, please let me know!

Oh - I got some 2sd1469s from Roland btw.

Tme more about your drum machine, sounds interesting this.


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Message 5/5             11-Apr-00  @  03:04 PM   -   RE: Synth DIY mailing list


Posts: 9

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Okay I've sent a mail to Rick Jansen, the guy behind the list. I've asked him what to do. If nothing happens I'll just re-enter the list after some days. So we can do some mail stuff soon.

Yeah this 2SD1469 kept me busy for several nights too. The described loss of higher frequencies when using another transistor type confirmes my considerations about the one-transistor-VCA's. Since these are relatively critical in biasing I expect a slightly different sound when replacing the original 2SC2603 used for the rest of the VCA's too. So I gonna use the original transistors for all these VCA's. The 2SC2603's were easy to find. But I have to check some sources for the 2SD1469. Why didn't they use FET's for this VCA's??

Oh my drum module will feature following things:
mixable 808 and 909 drums + noise generator and additional FX

808 section: tunable over a wide range, dramatically increased decay range without increasing the lowest possible time

909 section: tunable over a wide range, extended decay range without increasing the lowest possible time, waveform fadeable from sine to triangle, Tune-range (that is ENV-Mod on the 909) increased.

both 808 and 909 are mixable and will own an own filter section.

noise generator: I guess it'll be a modified version of the 909snare noise which sounds great. So it'll be possible to produce snare sounds too.
Noise clock is adjustable over wide range for some low rumbling noise FX, decay time is adjustable up to some seconds. And there's a separate lowpass filter for noise section too.

Last no least it'll feature an overdrive section and some other things I have to think about first. (Ringmod, AM etc.) I will not implemend MIDI, cause it would be too much for just a Bass Drum LOL. I implemented a nice Trigger-section instead, where it could be triggered with any kind of voltage pulses, even pure DC is possible. The external trigger is internally converted to the right trigger voltage and duration. There will be even a footswitch input where the unit can be used like a real Kick Drum.

But I got the same problem you've still described: I didn't make any prototypes yet, though over 50% of the hardware is ready to build. All modifications were done with EWB and I hope I'll get same results as on the screen :-))

Ooops, this is getting long...

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