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Subject: SH-101

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Original Message 1/5             29-Mar-98  @  07:26 PM   -   SH-101



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Would you consider sh-101 a analouge synth? Also, is it as good as everybody say? Is there a sequencers built-in? And finally, what's the price?

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Message 2/5             30-Mar-98  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: SH-101



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The SH-101 is certainly analogue. It is a very cool synth, in many ways (IMO). It excels at bass sounds (that typical Roland's no Moog). It is also nice for leads, although it's best use, for me, is as an acid bleep machine (patterns). It has a sequencer on board (100 steps, only one memory of those steps, and you can't edit the sequence......kinda tough, but good for experiments). Once you gets something programmed in (it loops), you start twisting knobs, and stuff and voila.....acid! It also has a "random" feature for the Modulation that is helpful in this use. There is also an arpeggiator....pretty cool, although basic. Remember, though it is long as you know that. Prices, US dollars, are around $400 for the grey model, and a little more the red or blue.

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Message 3/5             01-Apr-98  @  12:55 PM   -   RE: SH-101



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it'll also do drum sounds...... just in case you don't know, it's not midi....

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Message 4/5             02-Apr-98  @  02:44 PM   -   RE: SH-101



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And in the UK spares are impossible to get hold of. Not sure about the US.

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Message 5/5             03-Apr-98  @  06:32 PM   -   RE: SH-101



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It's a cool synth, but way overpriced like most old
Roland gear. There are similiar or better synths for
less money if you check second-hand gear.

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