aaa SN 2 and sustain pedal question... - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: SN 2 and sustain pedal question...

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Original Message 1/5             30-Jan-04  @  10:44 PM   -   SN 2 and sustain pedal question...

JJ Freqy

Posts: 90

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I'm using my SN 2 for a MIDI controller for software. What I want to do is to get the
SN2 to sustain the notes in my softsynths when I press the pedal, but I can't get it to

OK, I have my sustain pedal hooked up to the "input/ sw2" sustain input of the SN 2
and for some reason it won't work. All I'm trying to do is to get the pedal to sustain notes
after they're pressed. I went through the manual and changed the settings it told me to
with no luck... can anyone please help? Thanks!


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Message 2/5             31-Jan-04  @  01:50 AM   -   RE: SN 2 and sustain pedal question...


Posts: 4573

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Well, if you're working in multi mode (at least on the Nova), under the midi menu, you have the option of setting sustain pedal to sustan, arp latch, or off. That's prolly your problem.

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Message 3/5             31-Jan-04  @  05:53 AM   -   RE: SN 2 and sustain pedal question...



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what about if i'm in program mode?

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Message 4/5             01-Feb-04  @  10:06 AM   -   RE: SN 2 and sustain pedal question...


Posts: 4573

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which softsynth and which software?

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Message 5/5             11-Feb-04  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: SN 2 and sustain pedal question...

Nick Bookman


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Hi All,

there is a pdf showing all the possible ways to use sustain and expression pedals with the Supernova II on our website. See the tech support section/Supernova II FAQs.

Best regards,


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