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Subject: Help.. Live..

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Original Message 1/6             27-Feb-01  @  11:49 AM   -   Help.. Live..



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Hi Everybody,

It's been some time since I bought my Nova II XL. I've been asked to do a set, but don't have money for more equipment. I have a tr 505, tr 606 and a PC with cakewalk. As I'm in performance mode I normally can use 6 different instruments @ the same time. When I let my NOVA II XL use an extern clock (for the arp section of course) I can only use 1 instrument. I tried splits, but only the selected program does work.

Can anyone tell me how I can use an external clock AND 6 different programs @ the same time??

Thanks a lot for your help,


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Message 2/6             27-Feb-01  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: Help.. Live..



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That thing oughta work; I have a Nova 1, and I synced many arpeggiators lots of times, simply setting MIDI clock to "Ext" in the Global Menu, assigning sounds to the respective parts, switching arps on, and working on different MIDI channels; have you tried the preset Performances? (even if their parts share the same MIDI channel)

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Message 3/6             27-Feb-01  @  12:44 PM   -   RE: Help.. Live..



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May not help but remember that the arp will only work when the sequencer is running if using ext sync...

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Message 4/6             28-Feb-01  @  11:55 AM   -   RE: Help.. Live..



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Yesterday i was able to use 6 instr. @ the same time. Now I found a new question. Midi Thru is supposed to give all incoming midi/sysex messages to whatever is connected to it? How come my TR 505 not respond on my computer (Of course my nova II does respond). The drum computer does not recognize the clock. Is there a way to set the thru channel to e.g. 10?

Thanks again,


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Message 5/6             28-Feb-01  @  02:32 PM   -   RE: Help.. Live..



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Afaik there is no multitimbral synth that can play one midi channel with the internal clock and the other channel with external, therefore the sequencers don't offer this feature.
I don't know the TR 505, but you should look into the midi specifications of the unit. Maybe it simply cannotz receive or interpret midi clock.



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Message 6/6             28-Feb-01  @  08:59 PM   -   RE: Help.. Live..



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if you are playing gigs trust me, i've done enuff, and it is VERY important to have a midi thru box with 1 in and as many outs as you need for items that are going to be effected by changes - passing thru sysex commands etc is not a good idea for quick setup and reliability - then other cock-up's can happ[en with tow synths on a spur... like say synth a in the series you want to tweak it's parameters in a track... this might send data thru to the next synth causing it's sound to change etc... all these things can be avoided, but it is just so much simpler to get a cheap distribution thu box. I use two. a yamaha with 2 in's and 4 outs cross-switchable, and a casio with two in's and 8 outs each of which can select which IN they are routing -

they are cheap these boxes, so well worth it.

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