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Subject: build a curcuit and play it

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Original Message 1/6             29-Aug-99  @  09:11 PM   -   build a circuit and play it



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First of all... has anyone here ever heard or heard of Ozric Tentacles? They're a relatively unknown UK space rock band, but I have a feeling they may be popular with analog-heads due to their massive analog sound. I've been worshipping them with the utmost reverence for several years now...

... and now my question: I went to see them in Boston and NY this summer and they absolutely blew my mind. Their one synth guy (Seaweed) was playing on a couple British analog synths that I'd never seen before. One was an Oxford OSCar, which I've since gotten specs for. The other was this suitcase-lookin' thing with knobs galore and a pegboard for building scratch circuits. I've never seen anything like that, but he played it like it was a part of him... truly amazing performance!

I puffed a few after the show with the band (what a delight that was!) and Seaweed said it was an EPS or EDP or E-something. Does anyone know what that synth might be? My friend and I got Seaweed's email address, but she's got it now and she's now in London with him enjoying the eclipse festivals over there (lucky little bitch)... I'd love to know what synth allows you to augment its circuitry... how fuckin' cool is that?

Also, if anyone is an Ozric fan... do you know any other groups that come close to that sound? At least in the synth department? I'm intrigued...

Thanks for any help... peace...


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Message 2/6             30-Aug-99  @  11:07 AM   -   RE: build a curcuit and play it



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aren't those the same guys who have a psychedelic trance project called Eat Static?

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Message 3/6             30-Aug-99  @  05:33 PM   -   RE: build a curcuit and play it



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Kinda... they've been around for almost 20 years and have had a number of lineup changes. The old drummer and keyboardist Merv and Joie left the group to start Eat Static. They're much more techno-oriented than Ozric... still good tho.



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Message 4/6             31-Aug-99  @  03:50 AM   -   RE: build a curcuit and play it



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Was it the EMS Synthi AKS? It's a synth that "supposedly" EMS still custom builds. It's a suitcase model, with a handle on top of the circuit casing and keyboard attached in front, and it has knobs also has the BATTLESHIP style pin-block patching (bottom center on the face panel) that gives it it's modular-style versatility. Looks like every synthetik's wet dream! Well, mine at least!


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Message 5/6             31-Aug-99  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: build a curcuit and play it



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ha.. there's a blast from the past.... the osrics were mostly all off the pullens estate down at elephant and castle/kenninton as far as i know.... same estate Zodiac Mindwarp lived on i think same area at least...someone told me this story, that Zodiac in the pub always used to say he'd get a Llamma farm one day, and people used to say yeah yeah... and apparently.. ge DOES have a Llamma farm in wales now... so i was told.. ahem ... i think some of the artchaos people lived there maybe too....

lemme explain, over in London you have/used to have area's of artists/druggies/musos etc type area's.... and the Pullens is a big estate ('project' to yanks - government-yard to a jamaican) it was at one time pretty much totally squatted, quite a few junkies i think at that time, up at stokey around that 'smak alley' scene... that was when people around that scene in stokey were like Gennesis P Orrige (Psychic TV) it was that whole stokey heroin scene and there was some wicked music coming out of it, i lived with Frank this German guy who was pinning, on Cazenove rd for a while... and above him there was a Psychic-TV.. what d'you call them?... disciple?... i cant remeber...lived above anyways, Roland, he was cool... Psychics were into smak, peircing, mind expansion etc... he was well caned for it too, he had like deaththreats and shit... it was heavey sometimes for them... it is wierd musics... but sometimes strangely beautifull.... and excellent surround-sound fx.....

anyways..... that is the vibe of those areas at that time , the Pullens was one of those big squats coming out of the great squats of the 70's and eighties, it has still got it's organic co-op, I used to buy my brown rice and shit there cos it's cheap, but they aint open enuff now cos i moved across town a bit .... there is some avenues on the estate as well, cobbled still !... and these have workshops on them with flats above... there are/were alot of artists around there the pullens is sorta in the angle between kennington raod and Walworth road (yup, where charlie chaplin was from)... there were some massive squats round london at that time like the flats on rosebury avenue, big chunks of hackney and stoke newington.... those were the days...

over in w london at that time it was shepards-bush, acton, harlsedon kilburn that side, labels like greensleeves, zomba, jet-star etc... big scene there... Carl Palmer (pretty sure thats his name, it was a while ago), at Jetstar was wicked... he was the boss, but you could call him up, and he'd let you go in there, play him a toon, if he liked it, he'd press it up... 50/50... over there you had bands like Misty in Roots, i did some HARD ragga and dub sessions with 'Chop-Chop' Dennis over in west London... we had some wicked sessions over at that studio... one night they played some session on a pirate i cant remember what channel tho .. fuck it was phone lines buzzing so they said... i still go that track on tape.. Stricker-Banton (awoooah !!... him a banton now is it!!)... he did this wicked vocal .. "Words & China Crosses In South AFrica"... hard toon... that was a superb toon... shame that place fucked up man cos there was talent there... we had some manic sessions down there.. first night was wicked, we made up this backing dub loop, and the place was rammed.. like 30 guys each grabbing the mike and diong a vocal.. it got typial sound stylee... y'know all the MC's fighting to get the mike to outdo each other and /or just bust a style.... y'know how that sound-system showdown thing is... i fuckin love that vibe....

fuck at one time back in the Stokey days, i had a likkle 8 track studio round the corner (literally like 100 yards) from eddie grants coachouse studio... i never met him cos he'd moved out just when i moved into the area, but i used to go and chill with his brothers occaisionally.. i think ive still got one of his brothers 12" somewhere.. he was calling himself 'Loin' something with Lion in it i think... cant remember now... youi used to see Sonny walking about all the time with his bwler hat on and his tin of carlsberg... that guy co-wrote hits like 'Baby come back' when he was in the Equals.. he was a local character anyways... in them days the pub on church street.. (now a tapas spanish bar with frosted windows and sky sattelite etc), was still the 3 crowns, but different man, you had all the pool tables at the back, stage, all the dope dealing happened round the tables... it was .. well,,, tapas bar... you figure !.....

it was the days when Ariwa/Mad professor was running like 16 track out of peckham (the coachouse was running a 16 track Soundcraft if i remember... studiomaster desk definately)... generally i miss the reasoning sessions with those guys... they were great... there was some wild characters about... there was this one guy called Ras-I.. he like flung himself out of his bedroom window cos jah told him he could fly.. but fuck, I swear one night he froze me solid.... i couldnt move... we just got in the car, i went to start it, and suddenly i couldnt move... then it went away after say 8 seconds... i said to him... fuck.. that was wierd, I couldnt move man,... and he said... "that is the power of jah ras-tafari"... spookeeeeh!!... heh heh... he was a laff man...

by the way...they are some TOTALLY wicked desks those studio-series by the way...and other studiomaster mixers.. GREAT BAORDS... brilliant s/h buys..... dave stuart did the Sweet-dream single on a 16 channel studiomaster apparently so there ya go)..

anyways.. Ariwa/mad professor... i still got some wicked tapes of some Ariwa mixes of some of my mates material they did there, he did a few dubs .....ah it was great.. good horn section... i think it was these guys who we worked with a few times who did the horns on Clint-Eastwood & General Saint.. 2 Bad DJ album... (i think they mixed that at marc-angelo's in clerkenwell....this guy Robbie was on keys on that session tape... (we used to call him 'The Bear' .. he was like massive geezer.. huge, but christian i think, very smiling & mild and sorta quiet... and fuck he was a superb superb superb keyboard player!!... that guy was the bollox,,,, and funnily, i saw him a few years later on the Tv and i think he was playing piano for Mica paris... some jazzy thing.... someone big-time like that anyways for a live session..

anyways.... Robbie got this job man doing the Eeka-Mouse tour.... fuck !!!!... excellent!!... EEEKAMOUSE MAN!!!!!!!...... rim-bing-bin-bing-beda-bing-boi - aiiiy!!... heh heh... eekamouse... you guys who dunno who eekamouse is, you gotta check him out !!... fucking 7 foot tall or something jamaican with this really high sorta squeeky voice.. style seen !.... he did this wicked track about the guy breaking into Buckingham palace that time.. heh heh....

the lyric goes... " some a them a say him (the intruder) a get nothing yet...

and some a them say him a come out in a sweat...

ha ha heh !!!... so funny man.. he cracks me up .. or did... anyways...

the drums was Bushman... he was well cool gerry, superb creative drummer... sad thing is we got fragmented apart... and i've bumped into that guy 2 times since then.. about 4 years apart, and wierdly, each time i saw him, i was tripping... so fucking weird...

the suns coming up, been raving all night to Solar-Quest (George BRILLIANT !!)..dew on the grass... i look up.. bread & dripping .. there he is... heh heh... another time it was christmas, i was in a club on shaftsbury ave... again bread & dripping... me and this young skinhead guy who was off his tits on E had latched on to each other... he was doing all that manic freindly leering stuff E-head's do at you.. heh heh.. so we danced arm in arm like a scottish reel changing directions etc... anyhows.. look up... fuck ME !!!... BUSHMAN !!!.. there he is again ... we hug we kiss , then we part again... he he.... Bushman introduced me to the book Ecclesiastes in the bible.. .. Ecclesiastes.., or.. 'The Preacher' .. it's a cool book... that is the sort of book in the Bible the true dreads used to check for seen!.. i like that book, and also the Song Of Solomon... it is very beautiful love poetry... i like that kinda book.. Ecclesiastes... in some respects it is very similar to the Rubiayyat of Omar Khayaam.... (NOT the fitzgereld translation)... the real/best whatever translation from the manuscripts in Persian is in another book...the artwork was done By Eugenio Zanetti, who was art director on Flatliners, Last Action Hero, he won an Oscar a few years back for the Reformation.. his thing is BIG majestic set's... he did the artwork.. it's an expensive but cool book... (Library of Congress catalog card number 93-77835 - maybe that might help to find it)

anyways... heh heh... Gerry 'Junior' (bushman) Rowe ( i think is the spelling for his family name... anyways.. anyone know him.. big out.. and "get in touch please" if anyone knows him.. ..and also if anyone knows him Steven Reid, Sandra's brother, used to live over Springfield.. also, anyone out there know Pepe.. Germany... his band is Alligator Sex prev' Ras Moloko & The Last Men On Earth... he can gimme a mail too... i got his mail somewhere...

at that time me and Gerry played in a band with another mate.. who went of eventually to join the Stokey heroin scene.. and that was that... he's clean now, and lives over in Dusseldorf.. running VST.. heh heh... BIG SHOUT OuT TO GENGIS -*Ting* G-String... wierd days man...

i tell you, it was almost like a subsidised college in the Uk in those days, cos you could live free by squatting, AND that allowed you to totally work at your band, music , art etc...just as in the 60's and 70's so much had come out of the 'Grant' based art-school movem,ent, cos loads of ordinary working people could go to art school and experiment with ideas for years... wicked... the late 70's to early 90's was like the squat era, (ok i know it was there before but)... in that it fuelled alot/most uk pop/music culture eventually... it's the whole basis of things like the bristol scene etc.. check it out... so so much stuff sprang out of that scene all over the UK punk feulled it all up and they joined in with the hippies left over from the 60's.... so kids started squatting and making bands, art, poetry, music, acting, dancing etc... whereas without that scene that was ushered in by that whole 'Fuck this anarchic punk thing, alot of those people would get a job, get married and have 2.4 kids... sorted... squatting rebellion, hand in yhand with a totally fucked up economy/ hardcore police controntations, the's like the foundation of most of what is out there now without a doubt.... squatting made for FREETIME and it was sooo easy... fuck i tell you... one time they came to start work on a house in which i'd been keeping a low profile... and they found me there.... fuck, rather than hold up work, the council guy just said.. hold-up.... come to this address in the morning... next day... hey-presto round the corner... 3 story house all mine rent free, water lekky & gas switched on!!! .. here's the keys... thank you and fuck off until you surface to interfere with our plans again...!!...

it was brilliant... all over the UK bands & artists were endlessly rehearsing / working in squats... fuck i remember i was looking at these squats round regents park.. YES.. beleive it... in them days early 80's.... the whole corner of the park was squatted.... so i'm round the back looking around...and out of this house come Eddy Tenpole of Tenpole Tudor... anyways.. cos i had been into punk bigtime, he was a 'hero'... i couldnt beleive it !!.... it's funny, i bumped into him again last year.. (nearly 20 years later man) .. and i said.. fuck... remember me !?.. and fuck he did... heh heh....,

but now property?'s all been tied up now in political and financial deals etc... no more cheap studio's.. no more of that.. those days are gone pretty much.. it was the same all over, they had those mass eveictions in Holland too didn't they?, they was pretty violent i hear,.....

but still...I digress, nay ramble ...cos i was at the carnival man... and im feeling all buzzy and lovey.... heh heh... nice biscuits !!...I even pulled an airline hostess from L.A !!.. heh heh...

anyways..... as far as i know the Osric's all gone out of town a while back, but at the time they lived down there as i understand it at /around the Pullens.. further up the road at Stockwell, (north of brixton - between brixton and the river basically)... anyways... i lived round that area there for a few years, after stokey and after acton/west london... in one co-op i was in, the KLF had one of the co-op houses round the korner and when i first lived there, the police car from the video was permenantly parked over the front hedge which had been ripped out... so the car just stuck out from the house... heh heh... the actual car in the video!! with the light and everything...

one guy i really rate coming sorta out of that Brixton s/w scene/time /area (That aint all but it's his manor), is that guy Offshore (offshore-state-circus).. he spins some nice toons at his gigs, and he always has a big crew of other younger Dj;s who play some radical sounds, feirce... you get a superb night of music when he plays... they are around some excellent music's that tribe... his wife Bongo works with coldcut, she does some wicked toons... and you can check her and her co-conspiritors out live on the www !!...they do those SHOUTCAST live shows regular with audio & graphics... i think Bongo's site is: ??... something, but you can find it either at coldcuts site... yeah they are well 'active service' ... i think she did a mix of some jello Biafra stuff as far as i know.. anyways check them 2 out...

yup.. but sorry to ramble like i said, but there ya go.... a small moment... but.. this sunject... can we expand on that too... really it'd be great if someone came along who knew this shit, or you guys did... it's be a cool project maybe.. heh heh....

ok.... i'm outa here... i tell you what... there was some bida-bing bida-bang beats at the carnival... out

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Message 6/6             04-Sep-99  @  11:03 PM   -   RE: build a curcuit and play it



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What a time to have been a part of. You lived a part of musical underground history that will never be repeated with the same immediacy and ferver. Did anyone realize at the time what cultural epicenters those places were? It seems that only after the peak do we realize the magic of the moment that's gone.

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