aaa Affordable, High Quality Sampler - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Affordable, High Quality Sampler

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Original Message 1/6             31-Aug-99  @  05:02 PM   -   Affordable, High Quality Sampler



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Can someone recommend a good, high quality, affordable sampler? I've been looking into Akai's but they're much too expensive....the new S5000 and S6000 (with the removable display) are like four grand over here, and used S3000 and S2800 are like two grand.....

It doesn't necessarily have to be a rack....keyboard versions will work too...

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Message 2/6             31-Aug-99  @  09:10 PM   -   RE: Affordable, High Quality Sampler



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The most powerful and wicked sampler for the money is the Yami A-3000 Turbo, it has EFX galore and filters and real-time modulation and tons of other shit...

But the problem is the architecture, it's ass backwards as hell. Yamaha's shit is soo fucked up to learn. I'de rather eat glass and tacks than learn that shit...

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Message 3/6             01-Sep-99  @  10:46 AM   -   RE: Affordable, High Quality Sampler


Posts: 424

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Backward? no just not like akais methods... honestly once you get used to it you realise that every function is only about 2 or 3 presses away.

The a3k has a learning curve of about 1 week, right.. Took me 1 day of messing and cursing to get anywhere and I was really pissed off.. but by then end of the week your bouncing out sounds and full on tracks.

Oh and 10 months on now and the thing still suprises me when I discover something new.

Don't get the akais unless you want to be part of akai's customer testing program..

And not an insult in sight.

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Message 4/6             03-Sep-99  @  01:56 PM   -   RE: Affordable, High Quality Sampler



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trust me - the Roland S760

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Message 5/6             03-Sep-99  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: Affordable, High Quality Sampler



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Ok, and how much are we talking about here?

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Message 6/6             04-Sep-99  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: Affordable, High Quality Sampler


Posts: 424

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A3000 about a grand for a good one,

roland about 500? I think.. Good filters though.

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