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Subject: silver bag

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Original Message 1/6             22-Dec-99  @  04:54 PM   -   silver bag



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Who has the little silver carry bag for their 303? Are they worth anything?

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Message 2/6             23-Dec-99  @  03:42 AM   -   RE: silver bag


Posts: 2082

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I got it with my little silver box ,
sounds crazy but there are probably people willing to pay , how much I don't know. I for one wouldn't pay for anything that doesn't generate or modify

BTW If you're looking for one I'm willing to trade mine for something that makes sound.(no tin cans,sticks or

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Message 3/6             24-Dec-99  @  12:20 AM   -   RE: silver bag



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I've seen the manual and the silver case sell on ebay for as much as $70 or so by themselves, and have also seen accessories such as the reference card and chord wheels sell as well. Anything pertinent you have is worth $$ to somebody; another ebay seller had everything, including original box, foam packing and unused warranty card and the bidding ended at a whopping $1500. You could get a devilfish for that much!

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Message 4/6             24-Dec-99  @  06:34 PM   -   RE: silver bag



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Dont' waste your money, their old pieces of crap. They usually smell horrible, like urine and smoke. Your money should be utilized elseware. Lay low from being one of the those people caught up in "having al the stuff" i.e., data wheeel, bag, original PSU and etc...
(yawn...) That stuff is for the people who brag about their 303's, but really haven't mastered and know how to effectively utilize the 303 to it's maximum potentilal.


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Message 5/6             26-Dec-99  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: silver bag



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I don't brag 'bout my 303's, but I'd still like to have the chord wheel...

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Message 6/6             05-Jan-00  @  11:19 PM   -   RE: silver bag



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If anyone has the chord wheel for sale let me know.

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