aaa guess the synth ?? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: guess the synth ??

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Original Message 1/69             30-Mar-01  @  03:47 AM   -   guess the synth ??


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ok you synth buffs - what synth is this ?? (450kb 44.1 mpeg wav)- I'll give a CD of your choice for the winner. (nope NOT that 60 quid sample cd.. a music cd) - you'll never get this right tho i bet...


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/69             30-Mar-01  @  04:20 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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It's gotta be something cheesy that no one would think of... A Kawai K4 ?? It has res filtering.

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Message 3/69             30-Mar-01  @  04:55 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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It's gotta be a synth that downloads in spurts with a 56k modem. :P

Well I like the sound but I haven't got a clue. I thought I'd come here and just say Casio, but if this was a Casio I'd run out and buy one tomorrow. I don't know.

An Oberheim something or other?

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Message 4/69             30-Mar-01  @  06:49 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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any fx on the sound(internal or external to the synth)?

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Message 5/69             30-Mar-01  @  10:05 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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(how many guesses are we allowd?)

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Message 6/69             30-Mar-01  @  10:51 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??

Maarten Visser

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Novation Bassstation? I dunno

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Message 7/69             30-Mar-01  @  02:10 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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nope - no FX added it's a simple two note chord held over 17 bars with an LFO modulating the 12dB octave filter sweep - thats it... c'mon you can do better than that !!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/69             30-Mar-01  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??

Maarten Visser

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So second guesses allowed... Octave Kat, is it one of yours K?

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Message 9/69             30-Mar-01  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??

Bit Crusher

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is it a vst synth?, it sounds really clean

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Message 10/69             30-Mar-01  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Is it the WaveDream from Orion?

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Message 11/69             30-Mar-01  @  06:56 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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reason, ppg, pro52, reaktor.

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Message 12/69             30-Mar-01  @  10:36 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??

Brett B

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Korg ms2000?

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Message 13/69             31-Mar-01  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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no way thats an Octave Cat.

sounds like a Roland Jupiter pad, but isn't. too digital sounding.

I'm gonna go with the Access Indigo

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Message 14/69             31-Mar-01  @  05:33 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Message 15/69             31-Mar-01  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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heres a bad guess

Oberheim Matrix 12

Its not in your personal kitlist is it?

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Message 16/69             31-Mar-01  @  10:25 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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nope not in my kitlist - so, indigo you think ?.. interesting - i'll give you a clue - one of you was reasonably close. remember it's a mp3 file - do you want a full blown streo .wav?.. it'll be 5mb


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/69             31-Mar-01  @  11:26 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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not that new-fangled Redsound EleVAta?

or matrix 6?


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Message 18/69             01-Apr-01  @  03:56 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 19/69             02-Apr-01  @  08:30 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??

Maarten Visser

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MKS50 with some reverb...

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Message 20/69             02-Apr-01  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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nope - but interesting the ideas people are coming up with - out of interest, are you saying these synths cos it sounds like them? or is this wild guessing?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 21/69             02-Apr-01  @  08:07 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Sounds like something I might be able to make with the SN II. So my guess is that you used the Novation SuperNova for this one.

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Message 22/69             02-Apr-01  @  08:14 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Kawai K5 (not k5k)

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Message 23/69             02-Apr-01  @  08:23 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Message 24/69             02-Apr-01  @  08:24 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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MKS30, Korg S-700, Chase "Trilogy" synth,

(from your kitlist)

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Message 25/69             02-Apr-01  @  09:29 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??

Defector Z


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Not a frickin' clue.

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Message 26/69             03-Apr-01  @  08:02 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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nope ! - heh heh - as i said one of was straying into the right area.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 27/69             03-Apr-01  @  11:13 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Oberheim OB-12 - the blue meanie?


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Message 28/69             03-Apr-01  @  12:57 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Yea I could hear that coming out of the OB 12. That was actually my barely-educated guess k. Manufacturers should include an mp3 filter on their synths so one could know what it's gonna sound like in the end after all that work!

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Message 29/69             03-Apr-01  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??

Malcolm Jeffery

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I think its a Korg monopoly

Is this going to become a regular slot?, what about small pics of synths controllers called "spot the knob".ooo matron


"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." Hunter S.Thompson -

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Message 30/69             03-Apr-01  @  05:39 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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kawai K3

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Message 31/69             03-Apr-01  @  09:06 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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SuperNova II. No ? Nova. No ? Nova II ? No ? uhm... well... erhh...

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Message 32/69             04-Apr-01  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Tell me which parts are right or not (which you won't of course), k.

Between "you can do better than that" and "one of you is close", the options are....
Octave Kat (no way apparently)
VST Synth
Wavedream from Orion
reason, ppg, pro52, reaktor
Jupiter Pad
Access Indigo
Oberhiem Matrix 12

Apparently we can rule out Octave Kat (due to the conviction of the reply).

K's reply was "one of you WAS reasonably close", if it was something close to that post (i.e. on the same day) he probably would have said "one of you IS reasonably close", and as the Indigo was mentioned as "interesting" we can probably rule out all suggestions from Indigo onwards.

That leaves...
VST Synth
Wavedream from Orion
reason, ppg, pro52, reaktor

Mostly soft synths, like I originally suspected it was, lets remove the MS2000 as other similar (to the MS2000) suggestions were made, yet "ONE of you is reasonably close".

The highest frequency of the sample is around 14Khz. That should indeed mean that it's most likely a soft synth of some description (and not a particular good quality one). Analogue (and a better quality soft synth) would have probably gone up higher at the peak of the sweep (because it's a triangle wave not a sine so the transition from up to down should be sharper and go up a bit higher), and the sweep itself looks too smooth to be analogue anyway.

The filter itself sounds very C64 which initially made me think of the SIDStation, but I don't really think it is that. Although it could be that new reFX SID softsynth, but I doubt it as that computes at 24-bit.

VST Synth
Wavedream from Orion
reason, ppg, pro52, reaktor

"Held over 17 bars" - therefore most probably done inside a sequencer (otherwise the measurement would have been of time, not bars) so it's probably a VST instrument of some kind.

It's obviously not any of the above, so that means it's another VST softsynth of some kind. One that has a 12dB/octave filter.

Of course, not being a user of softsynths, I can't really continue, but maybe that's enough for someone else to get it.

How was that k? Near the mark or miles off?

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Message 33/69             04-Apr-01  @  11:57 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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I guess the Access Virus might be able to make such a sound.

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Message 34/69             04-Apr-01  @  06:43 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??

Bit Crusher

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its the fruity 404 synth toy!
haha I win!
honestly I dont have a clue because I havnt had that much exposure to many synths other than the waldorf stuff (which it obviously isnt) and a few of the soft synths (404 i dont think so | reaktor i dont think so | wavedream maybe | wasp dont think so | simsysnth maybe but the sample isnt really brassy enough)
give up another clue

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Message 35/69             06-Apr-01  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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well he said, synth, so it can't be a soft synth; I hope...

also, he said it had no effects...

ummm, Roland JP-8080? Nord Modular?

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Message 36/69             06-Apr-01  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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it could be something with sampled waves cause those could cause the cutoff at 14khz or whatever, but i wouldbe thought the filter would change that but i dunno.

my last guess ensoniq ESQ1

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Message 37/69             06-Apr-01  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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it could be something with sampled waves cause those could cause the cutoff at 14khz or whatever, but i wouldbe thought the filter would change that but i dunno.

my last guess ensoniq ESQ1

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Message 38/69             06-Apr-01  @  02:09 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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arg. DT should automaticly delete duplicate posts.

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Message 39/69             06-Apr-01  @  06:27 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Kinda sounds like an ob-8 or OBMX that needs a bit of a tuning with the res way up. Kinda cool, classic.


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Message 40/69             06-Apr-01  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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um... heh heh - well, it prolly cuts off at 14k cos it's a low-ish bandwidth mp3 file - do you want to feull-on '.wav' ?.. (5mb)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 41/69             06-Apr-01  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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um... heh heh - well, it prolly cuts off at 14k cos it's a low-ish bandwidth mp3 file - do you want to full-on '.wav' ?.. (5mb)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 42/69             07-Apr-01  @  03:52 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Is it the Subtractor synth in Reason??

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Message 43/69             07-Apr-01  @  04:53 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 44/69             07-Apr-01  @  11:48 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Message 45/69             07-Apr-01  @  01:03 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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nope - well it's a bit unfair mebbe cos some people were close but weren't specific enuff to get an OK on 'the weakest link'... :-)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 46/69             07-Apr-01  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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You don't want to hear a specific reaktor ensemble ? What is it ? Please release me ;)

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Message 47/69             08-Apr-01  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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It's my SBLive value!

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Message 48/69             08-Apr-01  @  03:16 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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well, it 'could' be yes, and there's a clue in itself


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 49/69             09-Apr-01  @  07:25 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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eeewwwww. It's soft. kilo!!!

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Message 50/69             09-Apr-01  @  08:11 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Virus TDM?

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Message 51/69             09-Apr-01  @  08:17 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Korg Wavestation?

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Message 52/69             09-Apr-01  @  08:24 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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PPG Wave 2.V? (last guess today)

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Message 53/69             10-Apr-01  @  01:00 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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ha ha - this sint fair cos you'll never get it, but it's interesting the idea's clearly show it cant be decided wether it's hardware or not - ok last clue - only one of these synths exists.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 54/69             10-Apr-01  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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ok now you suck.

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Message 55/69             10-Apr-01  @  02:20 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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heh heh - yup there's only one and if that isn't enuff clue then i dunno what is


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 56/69             10-Apr-01  @  06:01 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Message 57/69             10-Apr-01  @  08:26 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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The Audity?

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Message 58/69             10-Apr-01  @  08:35 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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It's obvious that there are a couple things going on here. 1) anybody with enough of an ear for spotting a synth just by tonal characteristics alone probably isn't using monitors capable of pulling out the subtleties required to identify. 2) the particular tone used certainly wasn't a signiture tone, and could have been approached by MANY different pieces. 3) It's just getting to be a naming game at this point. 'How many esoteric names can you pull out of your ass?', rather than 'Hey, that really sounds like this old ______ my buddy used to have in his studio....". You know what I mean?


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Message 59/69             10-Apr-01  @  09:51 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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damnit... is it that synth of which one was made, and then the sounds were only available as a sample cd?

ah yes.

is it a waveplant?


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Message 60/69             10-Apr-01  @  12:18 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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I aint listened, but last time k did one of these it turned out to be neon .......

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Message 61/69             11-Apr-01  @  09:37 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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If only one was made, its obviously something he built himself, like a softsynth modular type thing, not hardware because that wouldn't be fair at all....

What all can you do that with? Reaktor. Buzz. Metasynth.... uh...... retro as-1?

Personally, I think its a synth K built in reaktor or Buzz. I made a very similar sound in about 3 minutes in Orion, but thats not it.

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Message 62/69             11-Apr-01  @  09:43 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Oh yeah, i made the sound with the wavedream in Orion.

Oh, I forgot about Generator also, but thats the same thing as REaktor so.... just covering all the bases.

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Message 63/69             11-Apr-01  @  06:26 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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k, your voice with an effect?

there is only one of your voices in the world.

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Message 64/69             12-Apr-01  @  04:11 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Novation Supernova.

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Message 65/69             12-Apr-01  @  11:48 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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I took the "..theres only one.." as being cryptic - one neon. Yes?

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Message 66/69             12-Apr-01  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Sequential Circuits Pro One! I win! I win! I win!!!

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Message 67/69             13-Apr-01  @  01:39 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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SKOOB wins it !!!! - choose your CD Skoob !


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 68/69             13-Apr-01  @  09:20 AM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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wow, not bad. i've sent you a mail,k.

for those of you interested, i've chosen "doitnowman" by pilote. (see here:
- it's NOT mobyesque at all, like the reviewer says).

when k said there was only ONE, there really WAS only one. check the URL in the title for info on the synth.

happy skb =]

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Message 69/69             15-Apr-01  @  05:47 PM   -   RE: guess the synth ??


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Wow! Don't think I've seen anyone guess a synth before.

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